Study in Latvia: Step by Step Guide for International Students. If you have dream to Study in Latvia then no need to worry. This blog presents a complete guide about Latvia for International students. Latvia is one of Europe’s hidden gems for higher education. Meanwhile, it has a great Education System. Because, Many wonderful programs are offered to the International Students. Additionally, Latvian degrees are globally acknowledged.
While, Universities provide accommodation to international students and provide Scholarships to brilliant students. Attractive Tuition Fees as compared to other European countries tuition fees is too low. It is a very cheap country compared to other European countries. The cost of living is very low in Riga, particularly when you compare it to other European capital cities. However, if you are studying in any of the other large cities around Latvia, you will find it to be even cheaper. While, Student can have exchange program after the first semester with Scholarship in any Schengen state.
Meanwhile, There are foundation courses of English for those students who do not have IELTS. So, After passing the foundation course, students can start a bachelor’s degree course. Even for master’s degree courses, students can apply with English proficiency letter. check all details in this blog.
So, These are points which are discussed in details in here.
Table of Contents
General Information about Latvia
Baltic states, the north-eastern region of Europe containing the countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Latvia is located in north-eastern Europe, helping form the ‘Baltic States’ together with Lithuania and Estonia.
While, Population is nearly 2 million people. Riga is the capital of Latvia and has about 700,000 residents. There are 19 universities in the Capital of Latvia. This city is more than 800 years old. As, It is a blend of modern and medieval buildings.

While, Riga was designated European Capital of Culture in 2014, and there are many notable museums and performance art spaces as well.
Meanwhile, Latvia is a country of rich history and cultural traditions and a relatively new national state. Higher education and academic mobility is a national tradition in Latvia. The tradition is even stronger today with the existence of 60 state and private colleges and universities. The number of students attending higher education studies has also steadily increased.
Higher Education System in Latvia
Latvia has 6 state universities and a large number of other higher, partly private, education institutions. In total, Latvia has 58 higher education institutions, where you can earn at least a bachelor’s degree.
The Latvian higher education system differs between academic and professional degree programmes. The academic programmes tend to be more theoretically oriented, the professional courses train for concrete occupations. In both branches, you can acquire a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
The academic programmes follow the Bologna scheme. The basic academic studies have a duration of three to four years and lead to the acquisition of the Bachelor.
Based on the first degree, the Master can be received after a further study period of one to two years.
The professional Bachelor generally lasts four years, and the subsequent Master being one to two years.
However, there are also integrated courses in the professional field which have a duration of up to 6 years, for example in medicine or dentistry. These degrees are equal to a master’s degree.
Regardless of the professional or academic orientation, a doctoral degree may be attached with a duration of three to four years.
Deadlines and Intakes
The academic year in higher educational institutions starts in September, it comprises 40 weeks and is divided into 2 semesters.
Here we have presented general deadlines in Latvian Universities for both semesters. You can get Idea about Application period and act accordingly.
Autumn Semester:
- Lectures: September to December
- Exams: December / January
- Holidays: Christmas time
For the Autumn semester application deadline usually is the beginning of June.
Spring Semester:
- Lectures: February to the end of May
- Exams: May / June
- Holidays: July, August
While, For the spring semester application deadline usually is the beginning of November.
Application Process in a Latvian University
The application process is online for Latvian Universities. You need to apply separately to each university if you are applying for more than one university.
You need to find University with a particular course which you want to study. After that pay application fee to start your online application for course you have chosen.
The application fee is 150 Euros to 300 Euros for each application. It varies for each University. With the same application fee, an applicant can apply two to three courses in the same University. The application fee is non-refundable.
While, After paying the application fee, the applicant needs to submit all necessary documents on an online portal. So, University will assess all the documents and will notify. Meanwhile, If an applicant is eligible, he will be approached for online Interview through Skype. You can say its entrance exam. It is not so complicated. Its has some basic questions about your previous education and your Introduction.
If You pass the Interview. University will access again all the documents once again. The assessment process can take up to four weeks. While, After the assessment, the conditional acceptance letter is issued and documents are forward to AIC for Validation.Approximate time for AIC approval is 1 & 1.5 month. So, After AIC approval you have to pay University fees. Applicant’s Latvian invitation will be applied. Once the invitation issued, we will receive original university documents including study agreement, rental agreement, AIC letter & invitation letter.
Pakistani students have to apply Residence permit Application in Latvian Embassy (Tashkent) Uzbekistan.
The student has to personally appear in the Latvian embassy and submit his file. The embassy will take an interview and issue the visa decision in 25-29 days.
Admission Requirements for Latvian University
You need 12 years education for admissions in Bachelors degree programs in Latvian University. You need 16 years education for admissions in Masters degree programs in Latvian University.
Minimum 45% numbers require for admission to Latvian University. Your percentage should not be less than that. If you have a study gap, you should not be worried. Study gap is acceptable in Latvia. While, It is one of those countries in Europe, where the study visa ratio is quite high. Meanwhile, If you have refusal from any other country, it is not a big issue. Additionally, You need a Very Low bank statement.
Documents Required to submit in University and Embassy
These are general documents; you need to submit to get admission to a university and to appear in embassy for Interview. There can be additional documents for your application process, we recommend always double-check the university website to get information.
- Passport.
- Matric & Intermediate Certificates. Diploma Certificates (if any) for admissions in bachelors degree programmes.
- Bachelors Certificate & Transcript for admissions in Masters degree programmes
- Masters Certificate & Transcript for doctoral courses
- CV & Motivation Letter.
- English Proficiency Letter or IELTS (It can be optional depending upon University requirements).
- Police Clearance Certificate for Latvia (Apostle by Ministry Of External Affairs).
- Payment Proof of University Application Fees, Tuition Fees and Resident Permit and Security Deposit.
- Xerox of INTERNATIONALLY VALID Debit Card of the same Bank Account in which student has a bank statement.
- 3 recent passport size photographs.
- Two Reference Letters. From Teachers or previous Employers.
Study in Latvia without IELTS
- Visit here: Study in Germany without IELTS
Many students ask a common question can I study in Latvia without IELTS? The Answer for it is yes you can study in Latvia without IELTS.
It is very possible in Universities in Latvia and not complex at all. Here is the complete guide to Study in Latvia without IELTS.
You don’t have an IELTS score? Still, you want to register for course in any Latvian University. The application process is the same as mentioned earlier.
Here are the options of how to study in universities in Latvia without IELTS.
An applicant who has completed bachelor’s degree with English as Medium of Instruction ad wants to apply for master’s degree course can only attach a letter with explanation, that he can understand, write and read English.
An applicant who wants to apply for bachelors and he has not done IELTS. he can apply for the foundation course of English. The course length varies for each applicant depending upon the knowledge of the English language. Course duration can be 6 months to 1 year on average. when you are applying for a foundation course, you have to mention the bachelor’s degree course in the same University, you will study specified bachelor’s degree course after completing the foundation course.
Here we have mentioned few universities where you can apply for studies without IELTS.
- Daugavpils University
- Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
- Riga Technical University
- Art Academy of Latvia
- University of Latvia
- Liepaja University
- Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
- Ventspils University of Applied Sciences
- Riga Stradi?š University
Visit here: 12 Ways to choose university in Europe now a days
Total Expenses in Latvia
What is Tuition Fee?
Tuition fees in Latvia for International students is quite affordable as compared to other EU countries. While the Tuition fee varies for each University and Program.
The average tuition fee in Latvia for undergraduate programs is between 3000 Euros to 5000 Euros per year.
The tuition fee for master’s degree programs ranges up to 3,700 Euros per year for international students.
This is the average tuition fee in different fields of studies in Latvia.
- Computer Science: 1850 Euros to 3800 Euros.
- Engineering: 2700 Euros to 3600 Euros
- Medicine: 8000 Euros to 15,000 Euros
- Business & Management: 1800 Euros to 6500 Euros
Cost of Living for study in Latvia
When we come towards living cost comparison. Average monthly living expenses in Latvia are estimated to be between 450 and 700 Euros depending on the type of accommodation. These amounts should be enough to cover food, accommodation, transportation and other expenses. While other European countries have living expenses in-between 700 and 1000 Euros.
While, Student needs to show one-year living expenses in his bank statement to get the student visa. You need around 6,000 Euros bank statement for one-year living expenses. The bank statement can be in your account.
Only your parents can sponsor you for study purposes. One of your parents signed a document from the bank with the required amount can solve bank statement issue.
The total cost of a Latvian student visa
It can be different for students from different countries. You can add an average 3,000 euros tuition fee for a year and 500 Euros living cost per month. Total cost becomes 3,600 Euros in a year including one tuition fee and living cost.
If Latvian embassy is in your country, then total cost revolves around 3,600 Euros. It can be approximately 4,200 to 4,500 Euros including ticket charges and other necessary charges. You can say its total cost of student visa for an Indian student, as India has Latvian Embassy where applicant can submit documents for residence permit.
In case there is no Latvian embassy in your country. For example, in Pakistan, there is no Latvian embassy. Students need to travel Uzbekistan’s city Tashkent for Interview in Latvian Embassy.
Students need to visit an embassy in Tashkent at least two times. In the first meeting, the student appears in the Interview. Embassy responds in the duration of two to four weeks. If you get selected by the embassy (which every student should be), then you need to travel again to Tashkent. You can suppose, you have to buy air tickets two times for embassy Interview.
To travel from Pakistan to Uzbekistan, the applicant needs an invitation letter. There are many online Tourist companies from where the applicant can buy Invitation letter. The applicant needs to buy minimum two times. As invitation letter is valid only for a month in many cases with one single entry. Hotel’s bookings charges are extra an applicant needs to bear during an interview in a Latvian embassy.
Minimum Charges for Invitation letter of a month with a single entry from Tourist company: 50 Euros.
Air ticket price for one visit to Tashkent is approximately 500 Euros. It can be more than that in some cases. For two visits total Air tickets charges are 1,000 Euros.
While, Hotel’s bookings charges vary from 100 Euros to 300 euros for 3 days. So, You can add up to 500 euros for two different bookings on different dates.
So for a Pakistani student’s total cost of Latvian student visa can be around 6,000 to 6,500 Euros. It is approximate cost, It can be less or more than that.
Scholarships in Latvia
Many Higher education institutions of Latvia offer several scholarships for international students. The University scholarships cover tuition fee normally. The scholarships can be applied to pursue your undergraduate, master and PhD degree in Latvia.
There are some fully funded and some partially funded scholarships. The different university has a different scholarship criteria.
Latvia has signed a contract with 40 countries for Financial assistance to students while they are studying in Latvia. Students can apply for scholarships from these countries, while they are studying in Latvia to fulfil their daily expenses.
Scholarships are valid for one year for bachelor’s and master’s degree courses. PhD scholarships are valid for 11 months. Students need to apply again for next year scholarships.
Government financial assistance is 500 Euros per month for bachelor’s and master’s degree students. While PhD students receive 670 Euros per month.
Scholarship’s applications are open from 1st February to 1st April each year for International students.
All international students can avail the “Erasmus Mobility Scholarship” in Latvia after the one-semester study. Universities provide options to international students to spend their one semester in any other Schengen country on a scholarship. Scholarship amount varies 450 – 700 Euros per month depends on the country in which you are going to study.
Job opportunities in Latvia
International students are allowed to work part-time jobs anywhere in Latvia for 20 hours per week. There are many jobs for students through which they can fulfil daily expenses.
Employment options are in retail, coffee shops, bars, hotels, restaurants, newspaper distribution and grocery delivery. Nowadays, food delivery is a very common job in whole Europe including Latvia. It is very easy to find due to Covid 19, a new trend of food delivery at homes is increasing day by day. It is helping newcomers to earn a quite handsome amount.
While, Other part-time jobs include internships and student training jobs where students gain first-hand experience working in job roles that are relevant to their studies.
There are also industrial jobs where many foreign students work, but for that students need to complete their education and search for a job in last semester.
State higher education institutions
- BA School of Business and Finance
- Daugavpils University
- Jazeps Vitols Latvian Music Academy
- Latvian Academy of Culture
- Latvian Maritime Academy
- Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
- Riga Technical University
- Art Academy of Latvia
- University of Latvia
- Liepaja University
- Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
- Ventspils University of Applied Sciences
- Riga Stradi?š University
Services by Consult Studies Abroad
Finally, Consult Studies Abroad provides special attention to student course selection procedure by highlighting their past academic records to avoid error-free application. Additionally, Consult Studies Abroad assists students in choosing the right course as it can change their whole life! With this intention, Consult Studies Abroad always suggests the best courses to all Their students to study abroad.
While, our trained counselors have the latest information on job prospects and other required details, we help students to select the right career path for studying abroad. Meanwhile, All Students look for a course that relates to their past academic records and work experience. Therefore, We fulfil their requirement by providing them with several options available. We always believe to suggest students all the options so they can make a satisfactory choice.
So, You can approach Consult Studies Abroad for Guidance about scholarships, University admissions and many more useful information. Lastly, We would love to hear your questions, Write us email or let us know in comment box section.
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