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10 Fully Funded Master’s Scholarships in Italy

10 Fully Funded Master’s Scholarships in Italy

Fully Funded Master’s Scholarships

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10 fully-funded master’s scholarships in Italy is a very good and comprehensive article where you can get a good piece of knowledge.

So, You want to Study in Italy for free. The Regio Politecnico di Torino (Royal Turin Polytechnic) was founded as an institution in 1906. While, The Politecnico di Torino offers scholarships to international students to attend academic programs in Engineering and Architecture. These are fully-funded scholarships available for international students in the field of Engineering and the field of architecture offered by Politecnico di Torino.

Politecnico di Torino has launched the program to attract international students to master’s degree courses. The fully-funded scholarships by Politecnico di Torino aim to recruit high-quality international students for Engineering and Architecture courses.

The scholarship project is also called TOPoliTO by Politecnico di Torino University.

The project TOPoliTO will award 10 scholarships distributed as follows:

TOPoliTO scholarship cannot be combined with any other financial aid provided by any public or private Italian or foreign Institution. In case of failure to declare or false declaration, he/she will forfeit the right to the study grant, will have to refund the amount of scholarship received and will be subjected to the disciplinary procedure.

What are benefits for scholarships in Italy?

The Gross Amount of the scholarship is 8.000 Euros per year for the 2 years of the program. The awarding of 8,000 Euros for the second year is subject to the achievement of academic merit requirements.

Payment of the Scholarship

The scholarship is finally assigned and paid only after enrolment for the first time in a Master of Science program of Politecnico di Torino in the first semester as a full-time student after student arrival in Torino.

What are Eligibility Requirements?

The application is open to all international students.

Within project TOPoliTO, scholarships are awarded to international students who meet the application requirements.
Who will enrol for the first time as a full-time student in a Master of Science program 2 (2nd level cycle – Laurea Magistrale) of Politecnico di Torino.

Students must have a Bachelor Degree or equivalent academic qualification in a foreign education system, outside Italy and have acquired at least 180 ECTS credits or equivalent (pre-university or preparatory years are not counted in the achieved credits or years).

While, Students must hold a valid GRE (General Test), obtained not earlier than 5 years before this TOPoliTO scholarship application deadline.

Meanwhile, Students should successfully pass in all three sections with the following minimum scores:
Verbal Reasoning: 156/170
Quantitative Reasoning: 157/170
Analytical Writing: 3,5/6
In case the GRE test has been taken more than once, the highest score for each section will be considered.
It is not possible to apply for scholarships for students who have been legally resident or temporary domiciled in Italy for any period in the last 5 years.

It is not possible to apply for scholarships for students who already hold a foreign Second or Third Cycle Degree in Engineering or Architecture.

TOPoliTO scholarship cannot be combined with any other financial aid provided by any public or private Italian or foreign Institution, in case a beneficiary has been awarded more than one scholarship, he/she must withdraw from the other scholarship.

What is Application Process for scholarships in Italy?

Application can be submitted only by students who have been admitted to a Master of Science program of Politecnico di Torino.

The procedure for applying for the scholarships is as follows:

log-in in the online application form (Apply@polito)

in the same order as explained below:

At First, flag the option “I wish to apply to TOPoliTO scholarships Master of Science programs under the “Research and Academic scholarships” section.

Secondly, complete the fields with GRE General Test score or General at home under the “GRE” section.

Thirdly, upload a copy of the “Examinee Score Report” of GRE General Test or General at home in the “Attachments” section.

Lastly, apply and “Save and Submit” your application.

What are deadlines?

The deadlines to apply for the scholarship can vary, but applications are generally submitted in June each Year.

What is Selection Criteria?

Applicants selection will be based on admission to one of the Master of Science programs of the Politecnico di Torino and based on the GRE General Test or General at home.

In case of a equal score, preference will be given to the youngest candidate.

Assigned students will have to officially accept the scholarship according to the procedures that will be sent to them by e-mail and within the deadlines. This e-mail will summarize the terms for the acceptance of the scholarship.

Contacts: International Affairs Department – Incoming Mobility Office:

While, You can approach Consult Studies Abroad  for Guidance about scholarships, University admissions and many more useful information. Meanwhile, We Prepare strong Scholarship Application by emphasizing on Personal statement and Motivation Letter. We Prepare Scholarship Applications for all countries.

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