What Value Does Study Abroad Offer Employers?

Study abroad for international students

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What Value Does study abroad Offer Employers? This information is interesting because these are life skills. Not necessarily language fluency achievements or geography knowledge, but functional skills that are difficult to teach in a classroom and best learned through experience. These are useful skills for personal development.

If you choose to Study Abroad, all of these skills mentioned in this article will enhance your ability to be a better worker, whether you are working in the homeland or abroad. More and more students have chosen to study abroad and the enhanced skills they need.

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What do companies value most from a study abroad experience? The one quality Employers value most is the inherent curiosity common to students who have chosen to study abroad. Such people are presumed to be already on the track to becoming globally minded and globally competent employees.

If two applicants have essentially equal resumes, Company would hire the one who had studied abroad.

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Attributes to get hired by Company with Study Abroad Experience

Multinational companies have diverse global teams. An employee with cross cultural awareness is more value able for Multinational Company.

The students who have studied abroad, have ability to bring global thinking skills to bear on complex issues.

You might have learned different languages during your study abroad experience. Language skills are quite important in a multilingual world.

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But whereas study abroad in general might have been sufficient even a decade ago, the location where you studied is now increasingly important in helping you stand out.

Growing Global Economy

Now there is a growing global economy in Western European countries, Asian countries and Russia etc. It often helps students forge a direct link with the very places where many companies are expanding. Moreover, these non-traditional destinations often offer more challenging situations for a student, thus intensifying the learning curve.

Overseas experience & Interview process

Overseas experience typically precipitates a whole line of questioning during the interview process. Companies will want to know what you did and learned and how you can bring that international experience to bear on the job. Was the experience a rigorous one with a full academic load or was it primarily just a working vacation?

For example, you spent one year in Stockholm after graduation, was it mostly spent sipping cappuccino and tooling around on old and beautiful towns of Stockholm’s, then the experience offers little to interest a prospective employer. Were any of your classes in the local language? Did you do an internship during or after graduation?

If you took Swedish classes in Stockholm during your stay in Sweden, while also learned to navigate the culture as evidenced by a part-time job, tutored at a local school, or served as a docent at a local museum or historic site, employers will be significantly impressed.

Immerse Yourself in the local Culture

In order to reap the full benefits of studying abroad, you must immerse yourself in the local culture. Taking stand-alone classes in by professors without a strong cultural component is no longer enough. Universities and colleges are catching on to the need to integrate the global experience into their academic curriculum, and those changes are serving their students well in their careers.

In fact, students who enjoy a rich cross-cultural experience often end up at the top of a company’s fiercely competitive list for future international transfers. Rigorous overseas stints have proven to catapult many a career.

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Study Abroad Students are Better Prepared for the Workplace

The students who study abroad improve academic performance upon returning to their home campus, have higher graduation rates, and have improved knowledge of cultural practices and context compared to students in control groups.

The students who study abroad have improved knowledge of cultural practices and context compared to students in control groups.

Some of them are interesting findings showed a significant increase in functional knowledge among study abroad students when compared to the control group.

Study abroad students can compare and contrast culture and give coherent directions. They have understanding of significance of language and culture differences.

Students can talk way out of tough situation and find different ways to express ideas. They can manage take a train or a bus to reach a destination on time. Most importantly, they know how to pacify an angry person.

They know how different settings affect one’s own style of interacting, while how cultural settings affect one’s own reactions to and interactions with others.

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Study abroad programs can vary widely, so it pays to do your research. Some have rigid curriculum requirements; others are so flexible that even freshmen, just beginning their college experience, can participate.

Some are more like glorified vacations, with every logistical detail taken care of, while others take self-sufficiency to extremes by requiring participants to find their own accommodations after arrival an intimidating enough prospect even for seasoned travelers.

Some are academically rich, others are mediocre. The cost and quality of programs can be extremely uneven. Therefore, prospective participants must be discerning buyers, seeking out those programs best designed to help them meet their own specific academic goals.

Many colleges offer short stints abroad, which may last six months, as part of a class. These can be a good way to get a first international experience, and they provide important options for students who could not otherwise go abroad due to work or family commitments.

However, a short time to study abroad is better than no time to study abroad.

I believe that study abroad should be longer whenever possible in order to maximize your learning. It takes a while to get the feel for things on the ground in a new place.

Often, by the time you feel comfortable and are ready to be truly productive, it is already time to leave. We urge you do your best to go abroad as long as possible and as many times as possible.

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Top Reasons to Study Abroad

You Learn about yourself and become more self-aware. Because you spend more time away from your family and more time with yourself.

You have to do by yourself all daily routines. It boosts your self-confidence and independence. Because you have no one to relay on. So, you manage cooking food, preparing assignments, and doing odd jobs. It helps to become multi tasker and Strengthen adaptability.

You have an opportunity to learn another language and expand your worldview.

Most important skills you learn are, Communications and team-building skills. Study abroad experience enhance your career opportunities. You Experience another culture first hand and enhance your cross-cultural competency.

Lastly, you make new friends from around the world and Travel.

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