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Motivation Letter Example: Master’s in Engineering

Motivation-Letter for scholarship

Motivation-Letter for admission

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Motivation Letter Example: Master’s in Engineering. While, Motivation Letter Example provides help to get admission or scholarship. Therefore, Motivation Letter Examples are presented by Ask Scholars. So, For more Examples, Just subscribe to our Blog and you will not miss all important notifications.

While, A Motivation letter is an important document for students who want to apply for admission to any course. Meanwhile, Many universities ask for a Motivation letter along with other documents.

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You can present your case in front of the admission department through Motivation letter. So, What are your chances to get Admission to a University, clearly depends upon how well the Motivation letter is written.

Hence, We bring for you an example of a Motivation Letter to enhance chances to get admission and scholarship in Master’s in Engineering.

So, Read the below Example on writing a Motivation letter for admission and scholarship in Master’s Engineering and review your Motivation Letter. However, We wish you a lot of success with your application.


Motivation Letter Example: Master’s in Engineering

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is …………, I have done Master’s in Mechanical Engineering with Emphasis on Structural Mechanics from…………………. Sweden. I am writing to request you please consider me for admission in Master in Computational Mechanics at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. Meanwhile, I consider myself a suitable candidate to secure admission and scholarship for Master in Computational Mechanics at TUM. I have enclosed the completed application and additional materials required to get admission at this prestigious University.

I have been teaching Mechanics, Thermodynamics and deferential equations for few years at the University of ……………. Meanwhile, I have developed quite strong grip relevant subjects to Master’s in Computational Mechanics during my stay at the University of …….. The master’s programme from ………….. University gave me the ability to control virtual and physical modelling, simulation, experimental investigation and optimization. Now I am able to work with a multitude of tasks – virtual and physical modelling, simulation, experimental investigation and optimization. While I have acquired a solid basis for working with performance prediction and ensuring that new products achieve their intended function, using mine specialized knowledge in mathematics, numerical calculation methods, measurement technology, analysis of vibrations, acoustics and fracture mechanics.

Now I am interested in Master in Computational Mechanics at TUM as Computational mechanics is a constantly growing field with impact on both science and industry in all areas of engineering. It is concerned with solving mechanical problems on the basis of numerical approximation methods, involving discretization of the underlying equations in both space and time. While the curriculum of the course encompasses, among others, continuum mechanics, structural mechanics and theory of stability, structural and fluid dynamics, applied mathematics and functional analysis, computer science, programming and software engineering, linear and non-linear finite element methods, structural and multidisciplinary optimization, modelling and simulation, networking, distributed and parallel computing. I have strong base in various up mentioned subjects, as I have studied in my previous master’s degree and I have taught few of them as a Lecturer. Due to this, I have short listed Master’s in Computational Mechanics as future study course.

Lastly, I would like to say, that I am suitable candidate to secure admission in this Master degree programme at TUM. I also have strong grip on CAD and Simulation softwares. I have mentioned all relevant subjects and softwares in my resume. After completing the course, I would work with advanced product development in coordinated processes – predicting and optimizing performance using both virtual and physical modelling.

Furthermore, I would be able to work in many different areas as mechanics, programming, modeling and simulation. While I can start a career. as software engineer or design, calculation and simulation engineer, respectively after completing the course. I am learning the German language at the moment. Because, I want to explore German culture during my stay at TUM. Hopefully, I would listen from you soon about admission prospective. Please let me know if you have any further inquiries. Thanks for your precious time and best of luck with your admission process.



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Hence, Motivation Letter examples can help you to write a better Letter for your admission to University. So, Please make sure with too many Motivation Letter examples don’t remove the originality, which is a necessity, and be patient. Practice as much as you can.

If you want to get a Motivation Letter for yourself, just click here and secure admission and scholarship.

Finally, You can approach Consult Studies Abroad for Guidance about scholarships, University admissions, and much more useful information. Because, We prepare a strong Scholarship Application by emphasizing Personal statements and Motivation letters. Meanwhile, We Prepare Scholarship Applications for all countries.

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