While Knowledge is Power, Therefore readers are leaders.
The man who unleashed Microsoft onto the world, Bill Gates reads 50 books a year. The result? He is currently the second-highest wealthiest person in the world with 97.4 Billion US$.
While, Warren Buffett claims to read 500 pages a day. He stated that he devotes about 80% of his time to reading. Perhaps it isn’t a coincidence that he’s one of the richest men in the world.
Mark Cuban, another successful billionaire reads 3 hours a day, which adds up to about 1000 hours a year. Say the average book takes 5 hours to read, that means Cuban is reading 200 books per year.
When tech billionaire Elon Musk is asked, How he learned to build rockets? He reportedly answers “ I read books”
Reading books enhance knowledge and Meanwhile provide some of the best answers to reader’s problems. Books are amazing things that can be both entertaining and beneficial to your health. They are almost like tools to a healthy lifestyle. Those who don’t read can’t understand the love for reading, but those who read on a daily basis know the importance of diving into a good book.
If we Read books regularly, this activity strengthens our brain. Research showed that throughout the reading period and for days afterwards, brain connectivity increased.
While, Research proves that people who read literary fiction stories show a heightened ability to understand the feelings and beliefs of others.
Additionally, Regular reading helps to reduce stress. While, Research even proves that 30 minutes of reading is as effective as yoga for the body.
The problem of not having good sleep will surely be solved by just reading some pages before going to bed.
Book reading sharpens our mind through stimulation of the brain. By focusing intensely on the words, our brain takes in a significant amount of information, which can improve both our critical thinking and analyzation skills as well.
Three important elements that build confidence are knowledge and intelligence, creative skills, and the ability to express yourself well. When you read you are sure to experience growth and development in all three realms.
Not just confidence, reading helps you develop your life mentally, spiritually and improves the way you live.
10 Books Everyone Should Read (as well as Students)
1): Mindest by Carol Dweck
Carol Dweck is a world-renowned American psychologist. She is a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. The New Psychology of Success – How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential.
Meanwhile, Major Points discussed in the book are as follows:
2): The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Secret is a book about the Law of Attraction, which basically says that when we believe in something, and act in accordance with that belief. It will come true.
Major Points discussed in the book are as follows:
3): Deep Work by Cal Newport
Life gets busy. Has Deep Work by Cal Newport been gathering dust on your bookshelf? Instead, learn some key ideas now.
Deep Work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task.
Meanwhile, Major Points discussed in the book are as follows:
4): Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Essentialism is a disciplined, systematic approach for determining where our highest point of contribution lies, then making execution of those things almost effortless.
Major Points discussed in the book are as follows:
High achievers believe in self-improvement. In fact, countless successful executives have shared the books, they say have helped them get ahead in business and life. While, Choose the books you want to read!
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