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Motivation Letter Example: B.A. Social Sciences

motivation letter for bachelor's & master's

Motivation Letter for a scholarship

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Motivation Letter Example: B.A. Social Sciences for students. At the same time, a Motivation Letter Example provides help to get admission or a scholarship. Therefore, Motivation Letter Examples are presented by Ask Scholars. So, For more examples, Just subscribe to our Blog and you will not miss all essential notifications.

While a Motivation letter is an important document for students who want to apply for admission to any course. Meanwhile, many universities ask for a Motivation letter along with other documents.

You can present your case in front of the admission department through a Motivation letter. So, What are your chances to get Admission to a University, clearly depends upon how well the Motivation letter is written.

How to Make a Successful University Application?

Hence, We bring to you an example of a Motivation Letter to enhance your chances to get admission and a scholarship in B.A. Social Sciences.

So, Read the below Example on writing a Motivation letter for admission and scholarship in B.A. Social Sciences and review your Motivation Letter. However, We wish you a lot of success with your application.


Motivation Letter for Admission B.A. Social Sciences

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is ——————- and I am writing to request you please consider me for admission in B.A. Social Sciences at …………. University. I want to deal with the social challenges of the future by collecting facts, observing causes, and understanding complex relationships, and then create solutions for problems. Meanwhile, I have great interest in socially relevant structures and questions and enthusiastic about their scope and relevance in an increasingly technologically dominated environment.

This University offers a unique opportunity in Hungary to study a special combination of five social science and humanities disciplines in its curriculum. At First, Political science focuses on the organization of a free and just social order. During Studies, I will work with theories and approaches to politico-security considerations, international relations, and political and democratic theory reflections on the political problems and shape of modern societies. Secondly, Sociology explains social phenomena as the result of interactions between different players.

Aspects such as the association of technology, gender, and society, family, and terrorism are particularly understood as consequences of these mutual actions, described with theories, and analyzed with empirical methods. Thirdly, History contributes to the analysis of different political, economic, societal, social, and cultural systems. It opens door to mentalities and environments and significantly contributes to our understanding of the past. While, I will acquire a breadth of knowledge on all historical epochs and methods. At fourth discipline, Catholic theology reflects on and interprets religious value systems, their symbolic forms of expression, and conflicts over values and symbols within social processes. Meanwhile, I will learn to understand and evaluate the relevance of religiously motivated phenomena, players, and institutions in social contexts. Lastly, Philosophy offers modules that critically deal with the theory of science and the philosophy of technology.

After completing, the social sciences course of study , I would qualify for a wide array of work requiring research, analysis, and evaluation skills and the comprehensive illustration of social and general themes. The acquired methods and ability to flexibly think are crucial. As Social scientists can develop, critically evaluate, and communicate founded approaches to solutions for current and future social problems. Meanwhile, I can find work in public administration and political and religious institutions. Here I would be responsible for the conceptual contribution to a project or topic area. However, I can also work in communication, for example as editors in media and publishing. As professionals in cause and effect relationships I can also work in strategic company planning and corporate communication. More Importantly, I would have the ability to master different perspectives and methods of investigation is a critical advantage when dealing with complex relationships.

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Hence, Motivation Letter examples can help you to write a better Letter for your admission to University. So, please make sure with too many Motivation Letter examples don’t remove the originality, which is a necessity, and be patient. Practice as much as you can.

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If you want to get a Motivation Letter for yourself, just click here and secure admission and scholarship.

Finally, You can approach Consult Studies Abroad for Guidance about scholarships, University admissions, and much more useful information. Because We prepare a strong Scholarship Application by emphasizing Personal statements and Motivation letters. Meanwhile, We Prepare Scholarship Applications for all countries.

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