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How to Land an Internship: Complete Guide

Internship and Job

Internship and Job

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How to Land an Internship: Complete Guide. Internships can help you gain industry experience, build your resume and give you an idea of what it would be like to work in a certain position. Through an internship, students can gain knowledge about the culture and day-to-day operations of the company industry. Internships can last anywhere from several months to a year.

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To secure an internship position, you should prepare by taking the following steps:

Do Industrial Thesis

The industrial thesis project may be carried out in collaboration with industry. The thesis should cover a scientific topic within the scope. The thesis work is typically carried out at the company/institution under the supervision of two thesis advisors, one from the company/institution and one academic advisor from the University.

Completing the final thesis in cooperation with a company is a great way to kick-start the student’s career: this will open up exciting opportunities directly in the industry.

Final thesis in the company have the great advantage that they are very practical and application-related, among other benefits.

You can use secure internship in the same industry after completing your final thesis or can apply in any other company for internship or job. Chances to secure an internship are quite high after completing industrial thesis.

Resume & Cover Letter

On your internship resume, include an objective statement at the top listing your professional career goals. Include any relevant experience you have that might be helpful for the employer such as completed coursework, volunteer work and leadership roles in clubs or organizations. Review the job description for keywords that apply to your background and include them on your resume.

Your internship cover letter gives you a chance to express your reason for applying to the job. It’s also a great opportunity to explain what you can do for the company. Write about your relevant experiences that apply to the role, examples of your work ethic and key skills.

Use Reference

A reference letter is a statement provided by a relevant professional that explains why an applicant would be a great candidate for a position.

Meanwhile, You should ask your professor to write a letter of recommendation for you. Because, It is a good idea to choose a person who knows you and your work well. Therefore, You should provide this individual with the internship job description, your resume and plenty of notice.

Work for Free

If you are interested in working for a company that does not offer an internship program, don’t give up right away.

So, Consider contacting the company’s human resources department to see if they would benefit from hiring an intern in the near future. They might also provide you with other opportunities outside of internships such as part-time positions, workshops or other career development offerings in the industry.

You can also ask to work for free for a company for first 3 to 6 months, if company like your attitude towards the responsibilities you are performing, the company would definitely hire you.

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