Learn Swedish A1-level Lesson 2

Learn Swedish A1-level Lesson 2

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Learn Swedish A1-level Lesson 2. Meanwhile, Ask-Scholars.com is free website, where you can teach yourself Swedish and German for free! In this lesson, You will learn how to call numbers in Swedish? While, we go through words and phrases in daily routine in Sweden.

Every week, there would be free lessons for Swedish A1 on this platform, After working systematically through the lessons, the user should be able to read, write and understand Swedish, and, with a little practice and confidence, hold a simple conversation in Swedish. English and Swedish has similarities and vocabulary, so it can be easy to learn for those, who understand English language.

Learn Swedish A1 Greetings & Introductions Lesson 1

Call someone’s attention politely

Ursäkta mig: You want to ask something from a stranger? Say ” Ursäkta mig ”. While, “Ursäkta mig” means “excuse me”.

For Example:

“Ursäkta mig, var är toaletten?” (Excuse me, where is the restroom?)

When you want to call someone’s attention politely. You can say ”Ursäkta mig” to ask someone, who is blocking your way in bus, train or any shopping mall.

For Example:

Ursäkta mig, kan jag passera? (Excuse me, can I pass through?)

Ursäkta means “I’m sorry” and “excuse me,” depending on the situation. But often it means ” excuse me”,

Saying Sorry

In situations where you want sincerely convey to another person that you’re sorry, The Swedish word for apologizing is Förlåt mig (Forgive me). It is also means “I am sorry”.

Förlåt att jag är sen! (Forgive me that I’m late!)

There is another way to say sorry in Swedish. But it is not used often as compared to ”Förlåt”. It is ”tyvärr” and can mean either “sorry” or “unfortunately,” depending on the context.

Tyvärr, jag äter inte kött. (Sorry, I don’t eat meat.)

Saying Thank You

Swedes are some of the most thankful people. They thank people a lot and you will probably receive a smile if you thank someone in Swedish.

The most common way to thank someone is with the short tack. This literally means “thank you.”

For Example what you can say at shop:

en mjölk och ett bröd, tack! (one milk and a bread, thank you!)

At a restaurant: Tack för maten! (thanks for the food!)

While, You can use tackar, equivalent to the English “thanks” at any time too. It would be appropriate in all situations.

When someone has done something you are very grateful for, you can say tack så mycket. While, Så mycket means “so much” so you’re actually saying “thank you so much.”

There is an other way to say ”thank you very much”, which is ‘‘tack snälla”! This expression implies that you are so grateful that you would do anything in return for what has been done for you.

Sometimes, one thank you in Swedish isn’t enough. Say “tusen tack” to show how much you appreciate a gesture. While, tusen tack means thousand thank you!


You can always choose from tack så mycket or tackar or tack to say thank you. While, Meaning remains the same.

You are Welcome

If someone thanks you for something, you can simply say “varsågod”, which means “you are welcome”.

If you’re saying “you’re welcome” to more than one person at the same time, just put an ‘a’ on the end: “varsågoda

While, “Varsågod” also means something like “here you go” or “help yourself”. The host at a dinner party might say “varsågod” to signal that it’s alright to start eating.

It can be broken down into three parts: var så god, which literally mean ‘be so good/kind.

Firstly, if someone says tack (thank you) to you, perhaps for holding a door open for you or after you do them a favour, you can respond varsågod (you’re welcome).

The second context for using varsågod is when giving something to someone, such as when a waiter hands you your drink or cake, or when your boss hands out agendas at the start of a meeting. Here, it means something like ‘here you go.

And finally, varsågod can be used as a slightly formal way of saying ‘please’. Swedish doesn’t really have a direct translation for please: when ordering food, for example, the customer tends to simply say tack (thank you). But if you want to stress politeness and formality, you can start a sentence with something like varsågod och, which literally means something like ‘please be so kind as to…’ For example: Varsågod och sätt dig (please sit down).

No problem

“Inget problem” just means “no problem” and is used similarly to the English equivalent. It is specifically used when one person has done a favor or helped another person.

There is another word ”ingen fara” means ” no worries”. For example, you are having a party at your home and your friend texts you that he would be late. That’s when you’d reply with “ingen fara“.


Without knowing your numbers, you can’t properly communicate about or deal with Your date/time of birth, Banking, or ordering data. So, Let’s learn numbers in Swedish!

Numbers 0 to 12:

Digits and numbers from zero to twelve are specific words:

  • 1 – en
  • 2 – två
  • 3 – tre
  • 4 – fyra
  • 5 – fem
  • 6 – sex
  • 7 – sju
  • 8 – åtta
  • 9 – nio
  • 10 – tio
  • 11 – elva
  • 12 – tolv

Numbers 13 to 19:

From thirteen to nineteen, the numbers are formed from the matching digits, adding a form of the word for ten (ton) at the end:

tretton [13], fjorton [14], femton [15], sexton [16], sjutton [17], arton [18], and nitton [19]

Numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90:

While, The tens are formed by suffixing the digit root with the word for ten (tio), except for ten and twenty, notice mentioned below numbers:

  • 20 – tjugo
  • 30 – trettio
  • 40 – fyrtio
  • 50 – femtio
  • 60 – sextio
  • 70 – sjuttio
  • 80 – åttio
  • 90 – nittio

Numbers 21 to 91:

While, From twenty-one to ninety-nine, the tens and units are joined with no space, for example:

  • 21 – tjugoett
  • 22 – tjugotvå
  • 23 – tjugotre
  • 24 – tjugofyra
  • 25 – tjugofem
  • 26 – tjugosex
  • 27 – tjugosju
  • 28 – tjugoåtta
  • 29 – tjugonio
  • 39 – trettionio
  • 48 – fyrtioåtta
  • 56 – femtiosex
  • 63 – sextiotre
  • 71 – sjuttioett
  • 82 – åttiotvå
  • 84 – åttiofyra
  • 95 – nittiofem
  • 99 – nittionio

Numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900:

Hundreds are formed by stating the multiplier digit before the word for hundred. While, Except for one hundred where it is optional: hundra or etthundra [100].

While for other numbers, we multiply digit before the word of hundred, as follows:

tvåhundra [200], trehundra [300], fyrahundra [400], femhundra [500], sexhundra [600], sjuhundra [700], åttahundra [800], and niohundra [900].

Numbers 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000:

Thousands are formed the same way as hundreds, i.e. by stating the multiplier digit before the word for thousand. Except for one thousand where it is optional: tusen / ettusen [1,000].

So, here you go:

tvåtusen [2,000], tretusen [3,000], fyratusen [4,000], femtusen [5,000], sextusen [6,000], sjutusen [7,000], åttatusen [8,000], and niotusen [9,000].

Compund Numbers:

While, Compound numbers are grouped in blocks of three digits with no space, these blocks being separated with spaces (e.g.: femhundrafyrtiofem [545], ettusen trehundrasjuttiofem [1,375], etthundratusen femhundrafemtiosju [100,557]).

How to Learn Swedish Language?

Grattis! (Congratulations!) So, You’re now prepared to tackle basic phrases and numbers in Swedish language.

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