Learn German A1 Irregular Verbs & Basic Grammar Lesson 5! Meanwhile, The German Language introduced in this free course by ask-scholars.com is centered around everyday situations. So, If you are an adult with no previous knowledge of German and studying your own, than this course is for you.
While, German is spoken as a first language by approximately 110 million people who live mainly in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. But German is also spoken elsewhere – for instance in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, the south tyrol region of Italy and in border regions of Belgium.
German vs English: Differences & Similarities
So, Let’s start today lesson!
Table of Contents
The Verb Sein
While, Verbs are words describing actions and states, and “sein” is the most important one!
So, Here you’ll learn your first German verb, “sein” (to be), to say how someone is feeling.
While, In German grammar, there are three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter . People and things have a fixed gender. Meanwhile, We refer to them by “er” (he, masculine), “sie” (she, feminine) or “es” (it, neuter).
Here you’ll learn to say how a group of people feel. While, you will fully learn the most important verb in German, “sein” (to be).
Bereit? Los geht’s! (Ready? Let’s go!)
Ich bin müde. (I’m tired.) |
Du bist krank. (You are ill.) |
Er / Sie / Es ist im Stress. (He / She / It is stressed.) |
Wir sind gut drauf. (We are in a good mood.) |
Ihr seid gesund. (You are healthy.) |
Sie sind glücklich. (They are happy.) |
So, That’s your first verb done.
While, You can notice in the table, Each pronoun has a particular verb form that goes with it. As ich goes with bin and du goes with bist and so on….
Meanwhile, “Sie” (they) and “wir” (we) both take “sind“. Meanwhile, You have learnt the Personal Pronoun & Regular Verb Conjugation in previous lesson.
More Examples for Verb ”sein”:
Mir geht’s schlecht, ich bin krank. (It’s going badly, I’m ill.)
Sie ist müde. (She is tired.)
Ihr seid gut drauf. (You (plural) are in a good mood.)
Wir sind gesund. (We are healthy.)
Sie sind gut drauf. (They are in a good mood.)
Yes or No Questions
Here we’ll learn an easy trick to form questions. While, Yes or No questions are known in German as ” Ja oder Nein Fargen. ” As it suggests, answer would require yes or no of these questions.
Being able to do this will give you so much more to say in a German conversation!
Los geht’s! (Let’s go!)
In a sentence ending with a full stop, the verb is in position 2, after the person (or thing) that the sentence is about.
Sie ist Ingenieurin. In this sentence, the verb is in position 2.
While, Next Sentence is question.
Ist die Erzieherin müde? (Is the nursery teacher tired?)! The verb (“ist”) stands in position 1, before the person (“die Erzieherin”).
So, To form a question, we put the verb in position 1.
1?? person | 2?? verb | 3?? rest of the sentence |
Die Erzieherin | ist | müde. |
1?? verb | 2?? person | 3?? rest of the sentence |
Ist | die Erzieherin | müde? |
As you can see from the table, for a yes-no question you have to change the usual word order of German sentence, where the verb is mostly in the second position: here it comes first!
Examples of Ja oder Nein Fragen:
Ist Anna im Stress ? (Is Anna stressed?)
Ja, Anna ist im Stress! (Yes, Anna is stressed!)
Sprichst du Deutsch? ( Do you speak German? )
Ja, Ich spreche Deutsch! (Yes, I speak German!)
Kommen sie aus Berlin? (Do they come from Berlin?)
Nein, sie kommen aus München! (No, they come from Munich!)
Ist das Museum hier links? (Is the museum here on the left?)
Nein, das Museum ist rechts! (No, The museum is on the right!)
Wohnen Sie in Hamburg? (Do you live in Hamburg?)
Nein, Ich wohne nicht in Hamburg! (No, I do not live in Hamburg!)
Note, that Ja and nein are separated from the main part of the sentence by a comma and do not count as language item.
The Verb Haben
So, Here we’ll start to learn the irregular verb “haben” (to have).
Meanwhile, “Haben” (to have) comes up in many fixed expressions like:
Ich habe Hunger. (Literally: I have hunger.)
Ich habe Durst. (Literally: I have thirst.)
Ich habe Lust auf… (Literally: I have a craving for…)
While, Knowing these expressions is the key to speaking like a native!
“Haben” has the same endings as regular verbs (e.g. “kommen”).
What makes it an irregular verb is that the du form and the er/sie/es form lack a “b“!
Pronoun | kommen | haben |
ich | komme | habe |
du | kommst | hast |
er/sie/es | kommt | hat |
wir | kommen | haben |
ihr | kommt | habt |
Sie/sie | kommen | haben |
“Wir” and “sie” (plural) both take “haben“.
So, Examples for Verb Haben are:
Ich habe Hunger. Habt ihr auch Hunger? (I’m hungry. Are you all hungry too?)
Sie haben Hunger. Hat er auch Hunger? (They are hungry. Is he hungry too?)
Usman hat auch Hunger. (Usman is hungry too.)
Hat sie Durst? (Is she thirsty?)
Hast du Durst? (Are you thirsty?)
Max und Ali haben Lust auf Eis. Farrukh hat keinen Hunger. (Max and Ali feel like eating ice cream. Farrukh isn’t hungry.)
Wir haben Lust auf Currywurst. Habt ihr auch Lust? (We feel like eating currywurst. Do you all feel like it too?)
Understanding a basic Dialogue
So, here is basic dialogue for you!
Ali: Hallo, ich heiße Ali. Wie heißt du?
Farri: Hi, ich bin Farri.
Ali: Freut mich, Farri. Woher kommst du?
Farri: Ich komme aus Stockholm. Ich wohne in München. Und du?
Ali: Ich komme aus Berlin. Ich wohne auch in München! Wo in München wohnst du?
Farri: Ich wohne in Laim. Wo wohnst du?
Ali: Ich wohne in Giesing.
Farri: Ich lerne Deutsch. Ich spreche nicht so gut Deutsch.
Ali: Ah! Du sprichst super Deutsch.
Farri: Danke!
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