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Learn Swedish A Days of Week, Months, Seasons Lesson 6

Learn Swedish A Days of Week, Months, Seasons Lesson 6

Learn Swedish A Days of Week, Months, Seasons Lesson 6

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Learn Swedish A Days of Week, Months, Seasons Lesson 6! Meanwhile, is free website, where you can teach yourself Swedish and German for free! In this lesson, you will learn how to pronounce days of week, months and seasons in Swedish!

Every week, there would be free lessons for Swedish A1 on this platform, After working systematically through the lessons, the user should be able to read, write and understand Swedish, and, with a little practice and confidence, hold a simple conversation in Swedish. English and Swedish has similarities and vocabulary, so it can be easy to learn for those, who understand English language.

Learn Swedish A1 Greetings & Introductions Lesson 1

Days of Week

Swedish days of week do not begin with a capital letter unless they start a sentence.

Veckodagarna – the days of the week

Måndag – (mon-daag) – Monday
Tisdag – (tees-daag) – Tuesday
Onsdag – (oons-daag) – Wednesday
Torsdag – (tour-sh-daag) – Thursday
Fredag – (free-daag) – Friday
Lördag – (lerr-daag) – Saturday
Söndag – (so-n-daag) – Sunday

‘On Monday’ (repeated action or future action) is rendered in Swedish by på måndag.

‘Last Monday’ is rendered by i måndags. ‘Next Monday’ is nästa måndag and ‘(on) the following Monday’ is följande måndag.

You can use a rhyme to learn the sequence of the weekdays:

På måndag gör jag ingenting.
På tisdag tittar jag omkring.
På onsdag sitter jag mestadels still.
På torsdag gör jag vad jag vill.
På fredag vilar jag riktigt redigt.
För på lördag och söndag har jag äntligen ledigt!


On Monday I do nothing.
On Tuesday I will look around.
On Wednesday I mostly sit still.
On Thursday I do what I want.
On Friday I rest really well.
While on Saturday and Sunday I finally have time off!

Vocabulary for days

So, Here are some other words or phrases related to days in Swedish. Always useful to know, as these words will help you in day to day routines.

Vecka – (veck-ah) – Week
Helgen – (hell-yen) – The weekend
Imorgon – (ee-morr-on) – Tomorrow

Idag– (ee-daag) – today
I övermorgon (ee o-verr-morr-on) – The day after tomorrow
Igår – (ee-gore) – Yesterday
I förrgår – (ee fur-gore) – The day before yesterday

på morgonen ‘in the early morning’; på förmiddagen ‘in the morning’ (approx. 9:00–12:00); på eftermiddagen ‘in the afternoon’; på kvällen ‘in the evening’; på natten ‘in the night/at night’; på helgen ‘at the weekend’; i morse ‘earlier this morning’

Sweden has around a dozen public holidays (helgdagar) each year. These are commonly known as röda dagar (‘red days’) as they are usually marked in red on calendars.

Months of the year

 The Swedish word for month is “månad” (mon-add) and the plural is “månader” (mon-add-ar). While, Swedish names for months are not much different from English. Pronunciation is also pretty much the same like English. Meanwhile, there are a few irregularities. 

While, Swedish months of the year do not begin with a capital letter unless they start a sentence.

Let’s find out!

Januari – (yan-ooo-are-ee) – January
Februari – (feb-roo-are-ee) – February
Mars – (mash) – March
April – (ah-prill) – April
Maj – (my) – May
Juni – (you-nee) – June
Juli (you-lee) – July
Augusti – (ooo-guhst-ee) – August
September (sep-tem-behr) – September
Oktober (ock-too-behr) – October
November (n-of-em-behr) – November
December (dec-em-behr) – December

The following rhyme is sometimes used to teach Swedish children the names and sequence of the months:

Januari börjar året, februari kommer näst.
Mars, april har knopp i håret, maj och juni blommar mest.
Juli, augusti och september, härlig sommar är det då!
Men oktober och november samt december är så grå.


January starts the year, February comes next.
March, April have buds in their hair, May and June bloom the most.
July, August and September, it’s a lovely summer then!
But October and November and December are so grey.

While, Here is another way to call the months in Swedish!

i januariin January
i februariin February
i marsin March
i aprilin April
i majin May
i juniin June
i juliin July
i augustiin August
i septemberin September
i oktoberin October
i novemberin November
i decemberin December
Months in Swedish!

Seasons in Swedish

There are four seasons in Swedish! Let’s find out how can we pronounce these seasons.

Vår – (vore) – Spring
Sommar (som-marr) – Summer
Höst (hest) – Fall
Vinter (vin-terr) – Winter

another way to call the seasons in Swedish:

på vårenin spring
på sommarenin summer
på höstenin autumn
på vinternin winter
Seasons in Swedish


In the text below, replace the English words in brackets with the corresponding Swedish expression.

Jag var i Stockholm (last Sunday). Jag åker till Stockholm igen (on Wednesday) och (next Thursday) flyger jag till England. Jag träffar vänner i Oxford (on Friday). Sedan åker vi tillsammans till London (on Saturday). De åker ofta till London (at the weekend) för att gå på teater. Jag kommer hem igen (on the following Tuesday).

Learn Swedish A1-level Basic Grammar Lesson 3

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