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German Alphabets Pronunciation & 100 German Words

German Alphabets Pronunciation & 100 German Words

German Alphabets Pronunciation & 100 German Words

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German Alphabets Pronunciation & 100 German Words. Many travelers’ phrase books usually have a pronunciation section that tries to teach English-speaking tourists how to correctly pronounce the language of the country they are visiting. This is based on the belief that to be understood, the tourist must have an accurate, authentic accent, pronouncing every word perfectly.

This is why we have designed a pronunciation system of the German Alphabets. This lesson also mentions 100 German words with German sounds to enhance your vocabulary.

Speaking a new language is not an insurmountable task. It just takes consistent effort and practice. If you work at your own comfortable pace, your goals for learning German will be achieved in time and with practice.

Practice makes perfect. Arbeit macht den Meister.

German Introductions and Greetings Lesson 1

German Alphabets (Deutsche Alphabete):

There are around 30 letters in German language. While, Most letters in German have a similar pronunciation to that in English, but some are different, and there are a few new letters to learn. The main thing to remember is that if you know English, you already have 26 letters under your belt.

So here are German Alphabets for you.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Ä, Ö, Ü, ß.

Vowels in German:

The five letters A, E, I, O and U of the German alphabet are called Vokale (vowels). In addition, there are so called “umlaute”: Ä, Ö, and Ü.

Consonant in German:

The other letters are called Konsonanten (consonants) – for example: B, C, D, F, G, … and so on.

While, There is one special letter ” ß ”.

A: [Aah]K: [kah]U: [oo]
B: [bay]L: [ell]V: [fow]
C: [tsay]M: [emm]W: [vay]
D: [day]N: [enn]X: [iks]
E: [aay]O: [oh]Y: [upsilon]
F: [eff]P: [pay]Z: [tset]
G: [gay]Q: [koo]Ä: [eeh]
H: [hah]R: [air]Ö: [oeh]
I: [ee]S: [ess]Ü: [ueh]
J: [yawt]T: [tay]ß: [ess-tset]
Pronunciation of German Alphabets

Learn German A1 Lesson 2

An umlaut is two dots that can be placed over any of three vowels to alter their pronunciation. These vowels are Ä, Ö, and Üu. In addition, there is a special letter, called ess-tset, which is a combination of the earlier forms of s and z and looks like this: ß.

The vowel ”Ä” is pronounced very much like the German ”Ee” and is relatively simple to pronounce. ”Ö” and ”Ü” are somewhat more difficult, because these sounds don’t exist in English.

While, ”Ö” and ”Ü” are somewhat more difficult, because these sounds don’t exist in English. The vowel ”Ö” sounds something like the English sound ”er” in the word ”her”, but with the ”r” muted. While, you can say also that ”Ö” sort of sounds like the sound you would make if someone punched you in the stomach.

The sound of the vowel ”Üu?” is made by pursing your lips to say ”oo” while pronouncing ”ee” with the rest of your mouth. Note that the vowel ”Yy” is pronounced in much the same way as ”Üu?”.

spät (shapte) : late ;
können (ker-nen) : to be able to ;
führen (fuc-ren) : to lead

The sound of ß is identical to the double s sound in English. For example:

weiß (vice) : white

The vocabulary of German Alphabets accordingly:

So, Here German words are mentioned in alphabetic order. These are approximately 100 German words, which can enhance your vocabulary of German Language. While, there is saying, if you have 100 words vocabulary of any language, you can do basic conversation.

A (aah)Apfel (apple) ; Adresse (address) ; Architekt (architect);
B (bay)Batterie (battery); Bein (leg); Blut: (blood); Bett (bed)
C (tsay)CD (CD); Cent: (cent); Comics (comics); Cooler (cooler);
D (day)Donnerstag (thursday); Datum: (date); Du (you);
E (aay)Elefant (elephant); eins (one); Eltern (parents); Eis (ice cream);
F (eff)fünf (five) ; Frau (woman) ; fem: (five) ; Freund: (friend) :
G (gay)gehen (to go) ; Garten: (garden); Guten Tag (good morning)
H (hah)Haus (house); Hotel (hotel); heute (today); hässlich (ugly);
I (ee)Ich (I); immer (always); ist (is); Ihr (you);
J (yawt)Jahr (year); Ja: (yes) ; jeden Tag (every day); jetzt (now);
K (kah)Kinder (children); klug (smart); Kaffee (coffee);
L (ell)lieben (to love); Lecker (delicious); Lehrer (teacher);
M (emm)Mittwoch (wednesday) ; Mann (man) ; Milch (milk);
N (enn)neu (new); nein (no); nacht (night); nie (never);
O (oh)Ohr (ear) ; Oma: (grandma) ; Opa: (grandfather) ;
P (pay)Papier (paper); Pizza (pizza); Partner (partner);
Q (koo)qualität (quality);
R (air)rot (red); rechts (right); reisen (travell);
S (ess)sechs: (six) ; Sieben (seven) ; Sonne (sun); Sehr (very);
T (tay)Tack: (thank you) ; två: (two); Tag (day); Tasche (bag);
U (oo)Und: (and); Unser (our); Uhr (clock); Urlaub (vocation);
V (fow)Vecka. (Week.) ; vier: (four) ; Vater (father); Vergiss (forget);
W (vay)Woche (week); Wo (where) ; Was (what); Wir (we);
X (iks)
Y (upsilon)typisch (typical); Yacht: (Yacht); yoghurt: (yogurt);
Z (tset)zwei (two); Zehn (ten); Zeit (time); Zug (train); ziemlich (almost);
Ä (eeh)Mädchen (girl); Ärzt (doctor); åsikt (opinion);
Ö (oeh)möchten (to want); ölig (oily); öffentlich (public)
Ü (ueh)übung (practice); übernervös (overly nervous); überhöht (excessive)
ß (ess-tset)Stra?e (street); Gießen (pour); heißen (to be called);

Learn German A1 Lesson 3

You need to know the first 500 German words very well in all their forms, shapes and meaning. Many advanced words in German are compounds built with the basic German words.

Lastly, write your questions about ” German Alphabets Pronunciation & 100 German Words ” in comment box section.

Meanwhile, If you need further support or individual guidance to learn German, you can contact here.

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