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Learn Swedish A: Yes/No & V Questions & Exercise Lesson 7

Learn Swedish A: Yes/No & V Questions & Exercise Lesson 7

Learn Swedish A: Yes/No & V Questions & Exercise Lesson 7

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Learn Swedish A: Yes/No & V Questions & Exercise Lesson 7. So, In this Lesson on learning Swedish, You will understand yes/no questions & V questions. While There are tips mentioned in this lesson to learn the Swedish Language. Lastly, Exercise is done to practice yes/no questions and V questions.

Going to Sweden and looking to make friends? So, Don’t leave home without the Top 20 Swedish Questions You Need to Know in Exercise!

Swedish Alphabets Pronunciation & 100 Swedish Words

So, Let’s start today’s lesson:

Swedish Language Tips

Swedish is a melodic language with rising and falling tones. While, The sound and length of vowels and tones help differentiate the meaning of words.

While, Swedish spelling is largely phonetic. Once you know the sound each letter represents, you can approach accurate pronunciation of new words with confidence.

There are two categories of Swedish nouns—common and neuter—that determine the form of adjectives associated with those nouns.

Learn Swedish A Lesson 3 has explained in detail about Swedish nouns and sentence structure. While, Personal Pronouns & Verb Conjugation are mentioned in Learn Swedish A Lesson 4.

Word order in Swedish is predictable, and the main verb is the second component of a sentence.

Verbs in Swedish only change for differences in tense. Therefore, You don’t have to conjugate them for different subjects.

Swedish speakers rarely use formal speech, though they do use it in some dialects.

While, Learning Swedish gives you a head start if you decide to learn Danish or Norwegian. Meanwhile, The languages are closely related and are often understood by native speakers and experienced learners.

Yes/No Questions in Swedish

Exactly as in English, there are two types of question. One type simply changes the order of verb and subject around (inversion):


Han är svensk. (He’s a Swede.)

Han heter Kalle. (He’s called Kalle.)


Är han svensk? (Is he a Swede?)

Heter han Kalle? (Is he called Kalle?)

These are called yes/no questions as the answer is often ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (Swedish ja/nej).

Learn Swedish A1-level Lesson 2

V Questions

The other type also changes the order of subject and verb, but begins with an interrogative pronoun, a v-word (most – but not all – of them begin with a v in Swedish).

These are called v-questions:

Vad heter du? (What are you called?)

The sentence structure of V questions is as follows:


Var studerar han? (Where does he study?)

The sentence structure of V questions is as follows:


Vem är det? (Who is it?)

The sentence structure of V questions is as follows:



Here, We have mentioned an exercise for both yes/no questions and V questions. So, Go through these examples and do more practice like this.

1): Is it your mum? (Är det din mamma?)

Ja, hon är min mamma. (Yes, she is my mom.)

2): What’s that? (Vad är det?)

Det är ett bord. (That is a table.)

3): Has she got a sister? (Har hon en syster?)

Nej, hon har ingen syster. (No, she does not have a sister.)

4): Gillar du godis? (Do you like candy?)

Ja, jag gillar godis. (Yes, I like candy)

5): Vem talar du med? (Who are you talking to?)

Jag talar med min bror. (I’m talking to my brother.)

6): Är du full? (Are you drunk?)

Ja, det är jag. (Yes, I am.) Or

Nein, det är jag inte. (No, I am not.)

7): Var är du? (Where are you?)

Jag är på mitt kontor. (I am at the office.)

8): Försöker ni tala svenska? (Are you all trying to speak Swedish?)

Ja, det gör vi. (Yes, we are.)

9): Var bor du? (Where do you live?)

Jag bor i Stockholm på Hornsgatan. (I live in Stockholm in Hornsgatan.)

10): Har du kul? (Are you having fun?)

Nein, det har jag inte. (No, I am not.)

11): Vart går bussen? (Where does the bus go?)

Bussen går till terminal 5 på flygplatsen. (The bus goes to terminal 5 of airport.)

12): Kör du bil? (Do you drive?)

Ja, det gör jag. (Yes, I do.)

13): Varför lär du dig svenska? (Why are you learning Swedish?)

Jag vill ha jobb i Sverige. (I want to get job in Sweden.)

14): Arbetar han? (Does he work?)

Nej, han är arbetslös. (No, he is unemployed.)

15): Pratar du engelska? (Do you speak English?)

Ja, jag kan tala engelska. (Yes, I can speak English.)

16): Vem knackar på dörren? (Who is knocking at the door?)

Hej, jag är din vän Ali. (Hi, I am your friend Ali.)

17): Vilka språk talar du? (Which languages do you speak?)

Jag talar svenska, tyska och engelska. (I speak Swedish, German and English.)

18): Är du gift? (Are you married?)

Nej, jag är singel. (No, I am single.)

19): Har du barn? (Do you have children?)

Ja, jag har två barn. (Yes, I have two children.)

20): Har du en flickvän? (do you have a girlfriend?)

Ja jag har en. (Yes, I have one.)

Learn Swedish A: Plurals in Swedish Lesson 5

Learning questions in Swedish is a major step forward in your language-learning journey, but there’s still so much more. has lessons for beginners who want to learn Swedish.

Grattis! (Congratulations!). So, Now you’re ready to handle with a more advanced way of responding to questions in Swedish. Good luck!

Meanwhile, If You want to learn Swedish or do you have an inquiry about grammar, just click Here.

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