Learn German A1: Yes/No Questions Lesson 19

Learn German A1: Yes/No Questions Lesson 19

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Learn German A1: Yes/No Questions Lesson 19. In this lesson, we are going to look at questions that can be answered by yes or no. While, Here we’ll learn an easy trick to form questions. While, Yes or No questions are known in German as ” Ja oder Nein Fargen. ” As it suggests, answer would require yes or no of these questions.

Being able to do this will give you so much more to say in a German conversation!

Los geht’s! (Let’s go!)

Basic Sentence Structure in German

In German, the basic sentence structure is formed in this way:

subject + verb + object.

The subject is doing the action, and the object is affected by it.

In a sentence ending with a full stop, the verb is in position 2, after the person (or thing) that the sentence is about.

For Example:

Das Wetter ist schlecht. (The weather is bad.)

Sie ist Ingenieurin. In this sentence, the verb is in position 2.

Learn German A1 W-Questions & Basic Conversations Lesson 6

Sentence Structure in Question

While, to ask a question, we simply move the verb to the beginning of the sentence and add a question mark at the end:

verb + subject + object + ?

Ist die Erzieherin müde? (Is the nursery teacher tired?)! The verb (“ist”) stands in position 1, before the person (“die Erzieherin”).

So, To form a question, we put the verb in position 1.

Ja oder nein fragen in Deutsch
Sentence structure in Yes/No Questions

So, As you can see from the table, for a yes-no question you have to change the usual word order of German sentence, where the verb is mostly in the second position: here it comes first!

Learn German A1 Personal Pronouns & Regular Verbs Lesson 4

Examples of Ja oder Nein Fragen

Note, that Ja and nein are separated from the main part of the sentence by a comma and do not count as language item.

Ist Anna im Stress ? (Is Anna stressed?)

Ja, Anna ist im Stress! (Yes, Anna is stressed!)

Sprichst du Deutsch? ( Do you speak German? )

Ja, Ich spreche Deutsch! (Yes, I speak German!)

Kommen sie aus Berlin? (Do they come from Berlin?)

Nein, sie kommen aus München! (No, they come from Munich!)

Ist das Museum hier links? (Is the museum here on the left?)

Nein, das Museum ist rechts! (No, The museum is on the right!)

Wohnen Sie in Hamburg? (Do you live in Hamburg?)

Nein, Ich wohne nicht in Hamburg! (No, I do not live in Hamburg!)

Ist das Wetter schlecht? (Is the weather bad?)

Nein, das Wetter ist nicht schlecht. Es ist sonnig. (No, the weather is not bad. It is sunny.)

Gibt es hier eine Post? (Is there a post office here?)

Ja, es gibt eine post rechts. (Yes, there is a post on the right.)

Bist du fröhlich? (Are you happy?)

Ja, Ich bin fröhlich (Yes, I am happy.)

Hat er braune Augen? (Does he have brown eyes?)

Ja, er hat braune Augen. (Yes, he has brown eyes.)

So, We can usually reply to this type of question with a simple “yes” or “no”.

If we want to be more engaging and conversational, we can also repeat the question in our response by changing the word order back to the basic structure, with the verb coming after the subject.

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