Learn German A1: Colors in German (Farben) Lesson 20. Colors are a universal language, which makes them an important topic to learn when traveling in German speaking countries. This lesson will teach you the 14 most popular German colors.
Here are the most common German colors and their translation. It’s important to remember, if you are using color to describe something, the color will normally come before the noun.
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For example:
Der rote Apfel: the red apple.
Die Farbe: the color
die Farben: the colors
- Red – rot
- Orange – orange
- Yellow – gelb
- Green – grün
- Blue – blau
- Light blue – hellblau
- Dark blue – dunkelblau
- Purple – lila
- Pink – rosa
- Khaki – khaki
- Black – schwarz
- White – weiß
- Grey – grau
- Brown – braun
Table of Contents
Welche Farben sehen Sie? Schreiben Sie.

Facts about German colors
Red wine is Rotwein in German.
In German, both the color and the fruit are orange – but the fruit must be capitalized when written, as it’s a noun.
The color khaki is the same in both English and German.
The pronunciation of braun in German and English is very similar.
Yellow and orange are warm colors. | Gelb und orange sind warme Farben |
The color is rich. | Die Farbe ist satt. |
How to describe colors in German?
Wie mischt man Farben? (How do you mix colors?)
Use these common adjectives to further describe colors in German. They should always be used before the color that they refer to in written and spoken German.
Light – hell
You can use hell in front of any color to modify it as a light color. When written, there is no space between the two words, so light green would be hellgrün.
Ich mag helle Farben
. (I like light colors.)
Dark – dunkel
Add dunkel before a color to emphasise the level of darkness. Dunkel is also a variety of German beers, typically ranging in color from amber to dark brown: dunkelbraun.
Dull – matt
Matt is used to describe surfaces such as walls or car colors that are dull in appearance.
Colorful – bunt
A garden full of tulips in spring, or the fresh produce at a market stall on the weekend might be described as bunt.
Questions for Colors
Welche Farbe (what color) haben (have) Blaubeeren?
Blaubeeren sind blau.
Blaubeeren haben die Farbe blau.
Sind Äpfel immer grün?
Nein, Äpfel sind nicht immer grün.
Äpfel sind manchmal (sometimes) auch rot oder gelb.
Mein Hemd ist weiß.
Die Farbe
geht nicht raus. (The color does not go out.)
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Practice of Colors in daily Life
We have mentioned few sentences in German, that you can practice and use in day to day routines.
Er trägt ein schwarzes T-Shirt. (He’s wearing a black T-shirt)
Wir sehen etwas Grünes. (We see something green.)
Der Grass ist grün. (The grass is green.)
Der Himmel ist blau. (The sky is blue.)
Meine Katze ist weiß. (My cat is white.)
Dein Hund ist braun. (Your dog is brown.)
Wir haben ein rotes Auto. (We have a red car.)
Sie hat schöne blaue Augen. (She has beautiful blue eyes.)
Orange ist mein Lieblingsfarbe. (Orange is my favorite color.)
Der Mantel ist schwarz. (The coat is black.)
Die Münze ist silber. (The coin is silver.)
Der Schal ist hellblau. (The scarf is light blue.)
Das Licht ist gold. (The light is gold.)
Der Lippenstift ist rosa. (The lipstick is pink.)
Das Papier ist weiß. (The paper is white.)
Der Anzug ist lila. (The suit is purple.)
Welche Farbe hat die deutsche Flagge? (What color is the German flag?)
Ich liebe das blaue Haus. (I love the blue house.)
Der Tisch ist rot. (The table is red.)
Der dunkelorange Koffer fehlt. (The dark orange suitcase is missing.)
Unsere blauen Kleider sind schmutzig. (Our blue dresses are dirty.)
Read also: Learn German A1: Negations in German Lesson 18
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