Learn Swedish A: Classroom Phrases & Vocabulary Lesson 11. School and related things are one part of vocabulary words used in daily life. Because, this topic is used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn classroom objects in English and Swedish.
So, In this lesson, vocabulary relevant to school and basic phrases relevant to classroom, classmates and exams are mentioned.
Learn Swedish A: Time Expressions (Vad är Klockan) Lesson 8
Table of Contents
Vocabulary for School
English | Swedish |
Student | Elev |
Teacher | Lärare |
Excuse me | Ursäkta mig |
Please | Snälla |
Library | Bibliotek |
Dictionary | Ordbok |
Desk | Skrivbord |
Chair | Stol |
School | Skola |
University | Universitet |
Classroom | Klassrum |
Canteen | Kafeteria |
English | Swedish |
Answer | Svar |
Question | Fråga |
Book | Bok |
Books | Böcker |
Note Book | Anteckningsbok |
Page | Sida |
Paper | Papper |
Pen | Penna |
Coach | Tränare |
Certificate | Betyg |
Lesson | Lektion |
Basic Swedish Phrases to Understand
If you are learning basic Swedish and you do not understand anything in classroom. Than, you can use following phrases with teacher or classmates. These phrases would help you to actively participate in class learn lessons effectively.
Förstår du? ( Do you understand? )
Nej, Jag förstår inte. ( No I do not understand. )
Snälla, Kan du prata lite langsom? ( Please, can you speak a little slower? )
Kan du säga det en gång till? ( Can you say that one more time? )
Jaha! Jag förstår nu. ( Yes, I understand now. )
Jag har en fråga. ( I have a question. )
Ursäkta mig, Vad betyder det? ( Excuse me, What does it mean? )
Jag vet inte. ( I do not know. )
Vad heter det på Svenska? ( What is it called in Swedish? )
misstag. mistake
Basic Swedish Phrases for discussion
For discussions in the classroom, use the following phrases.
Första lektionsdagen är alltid värdelös. ( The first day of class is always useless. )
Mari, Titta på sidan fem i textboken. ( Mari, Look at page five of the textbook. )
Tom, Läs texten på sidan två. ( Tom, Read the text on page two. )
Stäng boken! ( close the book. )
Lyssna det för en gang. ( Listen to it for once. )
Nu, Säg efter mig! ( Now, Say after me. )
Du kan Skriv det också. ( You can write it too. )
Prata Svenska framför klassen! ( Speak Swedish in front of class! )
Jag behöver öva på min Svenska. ( I need to practice my Swedish. )
Min Svenska är dålig. ( My Swedish is bad. )
Inga problem! ( No problem.)
Är det rätt? ( Is that right? )
Är det fel? ( Is that wrong? )
Vad betyder det ordet på engelska? ( What does that word mean in English? )
Vad heter det på svenska? ( What’s that called in Swedish? )
Kan jag få en förlängning på deadlinen? ( Could I get an extension on the deadline? )
Learn Swedish A: Yes/No & V Questions & Exercise Lesson 7
Basic Swedish Phrases for Classmates
Vad heter du? ( What is your name? )
Var bor du? ( Where do you live? )
Kan jag komma? ( Can I come? )
Kan jag hjälpa dig? ( Can I help you? )
Kan du hjälpa mig? ( Can you help me? )
Känner du henne? ( Do you know her? )
Pratar du Engelska? ( Do you speak English? )
Hur svår är lektionen? ( How difficult is the lesson? )
När kan vi mötas? ( When can we meet? )
Oroa dig inte! ( Don’t worry! )
Skynda dig! ( Hurry up! )
Kolla! ( Look! )
Verkligen? ( Really? )
Jag måste vara beredd inför tentorna! ( I must be prepared for the exams! )
Jag behöver en deltidsjobb. ( I need a part-time job. )
Du måste besöka arbetsförmedling. ( You must visit an employment agency. )
Han är min rumskamrat. ( He is my roommate. )
Jag studerar i biblioteket. ( I am studying at the library. )
Grattis! (Congratulations!). So, Now you’re ready to discuss important topic School in Swedish.
Meanwhile, If You want to learn Swedish or do you have an inquiry about grammar, just click Here.
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