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Motivation Letter for Student Visa with Example

Motivation Letter for Student Visa with Example

Motivation Letter for Student Visa with Example

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Motivation Letter for Student Visa with Example. Sometimes, You do not need a Motivation letter for student visa. But few embassies ask for this letter.

Most universities require applicants to write a motivation letter as a part of their application process. Therefore, we have mentioned many examples of motivation letters on our website. Check here.

How to write a Motivation Letter for a University Application?

This Motivation letter example is successful exampled for you to get a student visa. Read the following example and write your own Motivation letter to get a student visa.


Example of Motivation Letter for Student Visa

My main objective is to strengthen my innovation skills, Therefore I secured admission in Master’s in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Miskolc. As a Freelancer, I  am creative, flexible and always looking for new challenges. Therefore, I want to equip myself with more knowledge and skills for the new challenges arising in an increasingly globalized world. The exciting part of this program is lab work in different subjects and project work in groups with the greatest possible links to industry.

So, I would be able to translate my subject knowledge into well-researched results with links to both science and practice. The objective of this MS programme is to train mechanical engineers who are able to work out, model, design, operate, control and maintain concepts for mechanical systems and processes; to develop engineering technologies and processes, new materials and manufacturing technologies applying them in an energy-efficient and environmentally conscious way; to perform leadership, control and organizational tasks; to perform tasks of technical development, research, design and innovation; to participate in and control national and international engineering projects.

Most importantly, The programme  will also prepare me to continue my studies at doctoral level. While The University have PhD Faculty for Mechanical Engineering and has mentioned major topics on its website. I am very much interested in ‘’ product development and design’’ as my research project. Because my previous degree is about product development and optimization. So, I believe this is the best University for me, as I would like to write research papers with professors during my studies at this University.

My skills in Engineering softwares would be really helpful to become a good design engineer. Miskolc is a town situated in North-east Hungary, and is mostly known for its heavy industry. While, Miskolc is the third largest town of Hungary. There are many global companies in Miskolc. It is another important reason to choose the University of Miskolc. Because I am interested in Industrial PhD. Therefore, It would be quite easy to collaborate with the industries even during my studies.

In future, I want to see myself as the driving force behind the industrial revolution including innovative products. I would like to deal with the design, development, installation, operation and maintenance of different products. I might jump into Entrepreneurship after competing in this program as Product development is the core of successful companies. Successful industrial companies live from the fact that they continuously develop, produce and market very innovative and extremely robust products. So, I am looking forward to get study visa as soon as possible to join classes, as master’s degree course starts on 10th September 2023. Please let me know if you have any questions for me regarding the visa process. Lastly, thank you for your consideration and precious time.

Best Regards


How to write Motivation Letter for Scholarship (With Example)?

Get Complete Motivation Letter for admission in University or to get a Scholarship. You can get Motivation Letter for any field of Study. Just Contact Us and leave your inquiry.

If you want to get a Motivation Letter for yourself, just click here and secure admission and scholarship.

Finally, You can approach Consult Studies Abroad for Guidance about scholarships, University admissions, and much more useful information. Because We prepare a strong Scholarship Application by emphasizing Personal statements and Motivation letters. Meanwhile, We Prepare Scholarship Applications for all countries.

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