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Learn Swedish A1: Objective Pronouns Lesson 15

Learn Swedish A1 Greetings & Introductions Lesson 1

Learn Swedish A1 Greetings & Introductions Lesson 1

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Learn Swedish A1: Objective Pronouns Lesson 15. Personal pronouns have a special form when they act as the object (objektsform). If you are an adult learning Swedish with no previous knowledge and learning the language on your own. Than this a course for you. While, You will find this course very well suited for your purposes.

The language introduced in this course centered around realistic everyday situations. If you want to monitor your own progress, you can contact us by clicking Here. Or just write us email.

100 Common Questions in Swedish & How to Answer Them?

So, Let’s start the lesson!

Objective forms of Personal Pronouns

Subjective FormObjective Form
Jag – Imig (mej) – me
Du – Youdig (dej) – you
Han – Hehonom – him
Hon – Shehenne – her
Den – Itden – it
Det – Itdet – it
Vi – Weoss – us
Ni – Youer – you
De – Theydem – them

The pronoun du ‘you’ is nearly always used when you speak to one person, even if you do not know him or her. The pronoun ni ‘you’ can be used as a polite form of address to one person, but it is not very common to do so nowadays in Swedish. Ni is always used, however, when you speak to more than one person.

As in English, the pronouns han ‘he’ and hon ‘she’ are only used about people (or animals that are thought of as being more or less human). For animals and things den ‘it’ and det ‘it’ are used. Den is used about things which are en words and det is used about things which are ett words. While, Swedish A Lesson 3 has explained the en words & ett words in details!

Use in Sentences

Jag älskar dig. I love you.

Älskar du mig? Do you love me?

Här är Kalle. Jag ser honom. Here’s Kalle. I can see him.

Där är Maria. Vi ser henne. There’s Maria. We can see her.

De ser inte oss. They can’t see us.

Men vi ser dem. But we can see them.

Han ger mig boken. He give me the book.

Jag ger henne boken. I give her the book.

Du ger dem boken. You give them the book.

Ni ger oss boken. You (plural) give us the book.

Vi träffar henne idag. We meet her today.

Jag träffar honom nu. I meet him now.

Han träffar er. He meets you (plural).

Kan du ringa oss? Can you call us?

Jag ringer dem. I call them.

Klockan 12 ringer du henne. You can her at 12 o clock.

Vi ringer dig idag. We call you today.

Han ringer mig. He calls me.

Swedish Alphabets Pronunciation & 100 Swedish Words

By mastering the various types of personal pronouns in Swedish grammar, learners can greatly enhance their understanding and communication capabilities within the language.

Meanwhile, If You want to learn Swedish or do you have an inquiry about grammar, just click Here.

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