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Learn German A1: Food Preferences Lesson 41

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Learn German A1: Food Preferences Lesson 41. has started a series of lessons for German language and all the lessons are free to consume. You will learn different topics in German in this series.

Essen gehen – to eat out

Essen” can be a noun (food, eating) or a verb, “essen” (to eat).

For Example ”Essen” as a noun:

Willst du Essen gehen? – Do you want to eat out?

gehen” means: to go. “Essen gehen” means: dining out.

For Example ”Essen” as a verb:

IIch esse Abendessen. – I eat dinner.

Essen machen – to make food

Ich will Essen machen. – I want to make some food.

Willst du Essen machen oder Essen gehen? – Do you want to make some food or eat out?

“Essen machen” means to prepare food or to cook.

Willst du Essen machen? – Ne, null Bock. Ich will lieber Essen gehen.

Ne, null Bock” is a colloquial version of “Nein, keine Lust” (No, I can’t be bothered).

Essen bestellen – to order food

Essen bestellen” means to order food, from a restaurant or a food delivery service.

Ich will lieber Essen bestellen. – I’d rather order food.

Willst du Essen machen oder Essen bestellen? – Do you want to make food or order food?

Ich will lieber Essen bestellen als Essen gehen. – I’d rather order food than go out to eat.

lieber” stands before, and “als” after the preferred element.

Ich will lieber Essen gehen als Essen machen. – I’d rather eat out than make food.

What you eat?

Was isst du? – What do you eat? / What are you eating?

“Was isst du?” can refer to our general food preferences, or to what we’re eating at the moment.

Ich esse alles. – I eat everything.

While, “ich esse alles” implies that the person has no particular food preferences.

Ich esse kein Fleisch. – I don’t eat meat.

Ich esse keine Milchprodukte. – I don’t eat dairy products.

Was isst du gern? – What do you like to eat? ….. We ask this question to find out what the person likes to eat in general.

Ich esse gern Pizza. – I like eating pizza.

Ich esse gern Döner. – I like doner kebabs.

The word “gern” can be translated as: gladly. We use it to say what we like.

Ich esse gern Chinesisch. – I like to eat Chinese food.

Manners before eating

Guten Appetit! – Enjoy your meal!

Before a meal we wish each other “Guten Appetit” or “Guten” for short.

Mahlzeit! – Enjoy!

We can say “Guten Appetit” or “Mahlzeit” to begin a meal.

It’s good manners to say “Guten Appetit” or “Mahlzeit” and to start eating together.

Breakfast to Dinner

das Frühstück: the breakfast

Ich esse gern ein Brötchen zum Frühstück. – I like to have a bread roll for breakfast.

Sie essen gern Müsli zum Frühstück. – They like to eat muesli for breakfast.

das Mittagessen: the lunch

Ich esse gern Würstchen zum Mittagessen. – I like to eat sausages for lunch.

Ich esse gern Suppe zum Mittagessen. – I like to eat soup for lunch.

das Abendessen: the dinner

Zum Abendessen esse ich gern Wurstsalat. For dinner I like to eat Wurstsalat.

Information about Germans

Germans like to have:

– coffee, bread or bread rolls, cheese, cold cuts, eggs and / or muesli for breakfast,

– often a warm dish for lunch, and

– often a cold dish for dinner.

It’s also a tradition to have “Kaffee und Kuchen” (coffee and cake) as an afternoon snack!

Breakfast is served around 8am, lunch around 1pm and dinner around 6pm.

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