Was machst du in deiner Freizeit? – What do you do in your free time?
Ich treffe meine Freunde jeden Samstag. – I meet my friends every Saturday.
Treibst du Sport? – Do you do any sports?
Ich entspanne in der Badewanne. – I relax in the bath.
In meiner Freizeit lese ich gerne Bücher. – I like to read books in my free time.
Ich fahre gern Fahrrad. – I like to cycle.
Wir sehen nur abends fern. – We only watch TV in the evening.
Spielst du ein Instrument? – Do you play any musical instruments?
You may have noticed that some verbs are split up when they are used in a sentence (for example “fernsehen” (to watch TV)). These verbs are called “separable verbs” and we will look at them in one of the grammar units later! Look at the examples to see how separable verbs are separated into two:
infinitive: fernsehen (to watch TV)
sentence:Ich sehe gern fern. (I like to watch TV.)
This phrase is perfect for sports or musical instruments.
For example:
Ich spiele gerne Tennis. (I like to play tennis.)
Ich spiele gerne Gitarre. (I like to play guitar.)
This phrase is great for activities that involve going out, such as:
Ich gehe gerne ins Kino. (I like to go to the movies.)
Ich gehe gerne auf Festivals. (I like to go to festivals.)
This phrase is ideal for stating any hobby directly. For instance:
Mein Hobby ist Fotografie. (My hobby is photography.)
Mein Hobby ist das Kochen. (My hobby is cooking.)
Hope It Helps.
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