Learn German A1: Verben ''Sein'' & ''Haben'' in Präsens Lesson 21

Learn German A1: Plurals & Practice Exercises Lesson 51

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Learn German A1: Plurals & Practice Exercises Lesson 51. The Language introduced in this free course is centered around realistic everyday situations. While, the emphasis is first and foremost on using German, but we also aim to give you an idea of how the language works, so that you can create sentences your own.

Learn German A1: Plurals & Pronunciation Lesson 11

While, you will learn how to make plurals in German and how to pronounce.

Tricks to make Plurals

There are no specific rules to make plurals in German. So we use few tricks to make plurals in German.

Write the correct plural form for the following nouns.

  1. der Teppich ? die Teppiche (Nouns ending with ”ich” , ”ling” , ”ig” normally end in the plural with ”e.” )
  2. die Oma ? die Omas (Nouns ending with a, e, i, o, u and y normally end with s in plurals.)
  3. das Haus ? die Häuser. (Neuter nouns often end with ”er” in plurals and usually take and umlaut.)
  4. der Administrator ? die Administratoren (Nouns with the endings ent, and, ant, ist and or end in the plural with en.)
  5. die Strecke ? die Strecken. (Nouns ending with e normally take n in the end of plurals.)
  6. der Lehrer ? die Lehrer (Masculine nouns ending with el, en and er usually do not take a plural ending.)
  7. die Schülerin ? die Schülerinnen. (Feminine nouns with ending in take nen at the ending of plurals. )
  8. die Nacht ? die Nächte (Feminine nouns sometime just take e to make plurals by adding umlaut.)
  9. das Kaninchen ? die Kaninchen. (Neuter Nouns with ending chen & lein do not have plural ending.)
  10. der Mechanismus ? die Mechanismen. (Foreign words with ending us normally replace us with en for plurals. )
  11. die Party ? die Partys (Nouns ending with a, e, i, o, u and y normally end with s in plurals.)
  12. der Spezialist ? die Spezialisten (Nouns with the endings ent, and, ant, ist and or end in the plural with en.)
  13. das Buch ? die Bücher (Single noun syllable neuter nouns often take er to make plural and change in umlaut.)
  14. die Schwierigkeit ? die Schwierigkeiten (Feminine nouns ending with keit often take en to make plurals.)
  15. der Flüchtling ? die Flüchtlinge. (Masculine nouns ending with ling take extra e to make plurals.)

Plurals with Umlauts

The following nouns make plurals by changing umlauts and also have endings.

der Topf (the pot) – die Töpfe (the pots)

der Schrank (the cup board) – die Schränke (the cup boards) 

das Haus (the house) – die Häuser (the houses)

der Block (the block) – die Blöcke (the blocks)

das Dach (the roof) – die Dächer (the roofs)

die Hand (the hand) – die Hände (the hands)

die Kuh (the cow) – die Kühe (the cows)

das Blatt (the leaf) – die Blätter (the leaves)

das Tal (the valley) – die Täler (the valleys)

Nouns without change in plural

Masculine and neuter nouns with the endings -el, -er, -en, and -lein, do not change in their plural forms.

das Fenster (window)die Fenster
der Fehler (mistake)die Fehler
der Löffel (spoon)die Löffel
das Mädchen (girl)die Mädchen
das Zeichen (sign / symbol)die Zeichen
das Zimmer (room)die Zimmer

German nouns that do not change in their plural forms

Masculine and neuter nouns with the endings -el, -er, -en, and -lein, do not change in their plural forms.

das Fenster (window)
der Fehler (mistake)
der Löffel (spoon)
das Mädchen (girl)
das Zeichen (sign / symbol)
das Zimmer (room)

German nouns that add umlauts in their plural forms

Some Masculine nouns with the endings -er and -el, add an umlaut to their vowels to form plural nouns.

der Apfel (apple)die Äpfel
der Mantel (coat (in dress))die Mäntel
der Vater (father)die Väter
der Vogel (bird)die Vögel
der Apfel (apple)
der Mantel (coat (in dress))
der Vater (father)
der Vogel (bird)

Nouns that add an ending -e and/or an umlaut to their plural forms

These are variety of nouns with no specific endings. Some just add ending -e and some also add an umlaut along with the ending -e.

die Hand (hand)die Hände
der Ball (ball)die Bälle
der Beruf (profession / job)die Berufe
das Boot (boat)die Boote
die Kuh (cow)die Kühe
der Pass (passport)die Pässe
das Telefon (telefone)die Telefone
der Tag (day)die Tage
der Tisch (table)die Tische
die Nacht (night)die Nächte

Plural formation by adding endings -n and -en

Masculine and neuter nouns with the endings -ant, -e, -ent, -or and -ist, often form their plurals by adding an ending “-n” or “-en”. The plural form in this group is almost always formed “without adding an umlaut”.

der Junge (boy)die Jungen
das Auge (eye)die Augen
der Löwe (lion)die Löwen
das Bett (bed)die Betten
der Student (student)die Studenten
das Ohr (ear)die Ohren
der Junge (boy)
das Auge (eye)
der Löwe (lion)
das Bett (bed)
der Student (student)
das Ohr (ear)

Feminine nouns with endings -au, -e, -heit, -in, -ion, -ik, -keit, -schaft, -tät and -ung form their plurals by adding endings “-n” and “-en”.

die Frau (woman / wife)die Frauen
die Frage (question)die Fragen
die Idee (idea)die Ideen
die Straße (street / road)die Straßen
die Nation (nation)die Nationen
die Kassette (cassette)die Kassetten
die Universität (university)die Universitäten
die Schönheit (beauty)die Schönheiten
die Klarheit (clarity)die Klarheiten

Nouns that form plurals by adding the ending -er

The majority of neutral nouns as well as some masculine nouns, form their plurals by adding the suffix “-er”. If there is a vowel that can have the umlauted form (a, o, and u), often an “umlaut is added” to it.

Feminine nouns do not form plurals with ending -er.

das Buch (book)die Bücher
das Bild (picture)die Bilder
das Lied (song)die Lieder
das Tuch (cloth)die Tücher
das Handtuch (towel)die Handtücher
das Haus (house)die Häuser
das Land (country)die Länder
das Licht (light)die Lichter
das Kind (child)die Kinder
das Wort (word)die Wörter
das Buch (book)
das Bild (picture)
das Lied (song)
das Tuch (cloth)
das Handtuch (towel)
das Haus (house)
das Land (country)
das Licht (light)
das Kind (child)
das Wort (word)
das Auto (car)
das Taxi (taxi)
das Foto (photo)
der Opa (grandfather)
die Oma (grandmother)
die Party (party)
das Sofa (sofa)
die Kamera (camera)
das Hobby (hobby)
das Handy (mobile phone)

Nouns that add ending -s to their plural forms

Nouns that end in vowels a, i, o, u, and borrowed nouns from the English language, form their plurals by adding “-s” at the end of the noun.

For example:

das Auto (car)die Autos
das Taxi (taxi)die Taxis
das Foto (photo)die Fotos
der Opa (grandfather)die Opas
die Oma (grandmother)die Omas
die Party (party)die Partys
das Sofa (sofa)die Sofas
die Kamera (camera)die Kameras
das Hobby (hobby)die Hobbys
das Handy (mobile phone)die Handys

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Learn German A1: describe a city & pronunciation Lesson 8

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