Learn German A1: Imperative in German Lesson 53. The form we use is called “der Imperativ” (imperative), which is useful for giving orders or advice and to request or prohibit something. The language introduced in this free course is centered around realistic everyday situations. The emphasis is first and for most on using German. But we also aim to give you an idea of how the language works, so that you can create your own sentences.
Imperative is known for following conditions:
- (i) Suggestion
- (ii) Request
- (iii) Instruction
- (iv) Order
You are going. (It is not imperative, While it is normal statement.)
Table of Contents
Different Imperative Forms in German
While, Have a look at this form in the examples below.
Geh die Straße herunter! (Go down the street.) |
Kauft bitte Milch und Butter! (Buy milk and butter, please.) |
Lesen Sie mir das bitte vor! (Read this to me, please.) |
Schlaf jetzt! (Sleep now.) |
Komm! (Come.) |
Geh! (Go.) |
So, the table 1 of imperatives tells us, there are different imperative forms in German.
Why are there different imperatives in German?
In German, there are three different imperative verb forms. So, These are for “du” (you), “ihr” (you plural) and “Sie” (you formal). While, The one we use depends on who we’re giving the order to.
Verb ” lesen ” Example with Imperatives
As I have said, there are 3 imperative forms for a verb in German. For Instance, check the verb ”lesen ” here.
Meanwhile, Have a look at the examples with the verb “lesen” (to read) in the imperative form:
(du): Lies den Text. (Read the text.) |
(ihr): Lest den Text. (Read the text.) |
(Sie): Lesen Sie den Text. (Read the text.) |
Verb ”lesen” Imperative (Table 2)
Normal Statement to Imperative (verb: gehen)
In this situation, we have an example of verb ” gehen ”. You have normal statement and imperative forms also.
In brief, for ” du ” you make 3 changes in normal statement to make imperative.
Whereas, for ” ihr ” you make 2 changes in normal statement to make imperative.
Lastly, for ” Sie ” you make 1 change in normal statement to make imperative.
While, You can apply ” 3, 2 , 1 rule for imperative in German, as you can see in following table:
Du gehts nach Hause. (Geh nach Hause!) |
Ihr geht nach Hause. (Geht nach Hause!) |
Sie gehen nach Hause. (Gehen Sie nach Hause!) |
3, 2, 1 Rule of Imperative (Explanation)
In this situation, I have explained the 3, 2, 1 rule in detail.
Meanwhile, More examples to know How to form the imperative:
du: take the regular “du”-conjugation of the verb and remove its ending “-st”; remove the personal pronoun “du” |
Du gehst. – Imperativ: Geh! |
ihr: take the regular “ihr”-conjugation of the verb; remove the personal pronoun “ihr” |
Ihr geht. – Imperativ: Geht! |
Sie: take the regular “Sie”-conjugation of verb; put “Sie” after the verb |
Sie gehen. – Imperativ: Gehen Sie! |
Is this Imperative in German?
Spielst du Klavier? (This sentence includes an imperative form?)
You can tell that the verb in this sentence is not in the imperative because it has a regular ending and comes with the personal pronoun “du”. While, These two things are usually omitted in the imperative.
Verb ” lachen ” Imperative forms.
So, more Examples of Imperatives.
For Verb lachen: to smile. Again we have used 3 , 2, 1 rule on the normal statements to get imperatives. Even though, these sentences are quite simple. Because our main focus is to understand imperatives in German.
Du lachst. (Lach!) |
Ihr lacht. (Lacht!) |
Sie lachen. (Lachen Sie!) |
Verb ” fahren ” Imperative Forms
For order or command:
Fahr doch jetzt!
Some irregular verbs that would usually change their vowel in the “du”-form, do not in the imperative. Instead, they keep the vowel of their basic (infinitive) form. You will learn them as you go. Therefore, A great example is the word “fahren” (to drive):
Present tense: Du fährst mit uns nach Hause. (You’re driving home with us.) |
Imperative: Fahr mit uns nach Hause! (Drive home with us!) |
Imperative forms with ” bitte ”
We add the word “bitte” (please) after the imperative form to express a polite request.
Fahr bitte vorsichtig! |
Kauft bitte Milch! |
Haben sie bitte Geduld! |
Du lebst nur Einmal
To conclude, There are few imperative sentences given below:
(i): Mach Sachen die du liebst! (Do the things you love.)
(ii): Halt dich fern von Hass! (Stay away from hate!)
(iii): Find dich! (Find yourself.)
(iv): Du bist schön so wie du bist! (You are beautiful just the way you are.)
(v): Vergleiche dich nicht! (don’t compare yourself with anyone.)
Weiter so! (Keep it up!)
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