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Learn German A2: Reflexive Pronouns (Accusative) Lesson 5

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Learn German A2: Reflexive Pronouns (Accusative) Lesson 5. In previous lessons, we’ve come across some reflexive verbs. Reflexive verbs express an action that affects the person doing it. They come with the reflexive pronoun “sich”. In this lesson, we’re going to take a closer look at reflexive pronouns and how we use them.

A lot of German verbs can use “Reflexivpronomen” (reflexive pronouns), but some require them.

Reflexive Verben (Akkusative)

These verbs are called “reflexive Verben” (reflexive verbs) and are usually given with the reflexive pronoun “sich” (oneself) in the infinitive form.

sich anziehen (to get dressed – literally: to dress oneself)
sich rasieren (to shave – literally: to shave oneself)
sich beeilen (to hurry, literally – to hurry oneself up)
sich konzentrieren (to focus – literally: to focus oneself)


Er zieht sich an. – He gets dressed.

Sie duscht sich. – She takes shower.

Sie beeilen sich. – They hurry.

Reflexive Pronouns

The reflexive pronoun we use depends on the person doing the action. In the table below you can see each reflexive pronoun with its corresponding personal pronoun.

We add the reflexive pronoun right after the conjugated verb in a sentence.

PersonalpronomenReflexive pronouns (accusative)

Examples with reflexive Pronouns:

Mein Vater rasiert sich einmal in der Woche. – My father shaves once a week.

The reflexive pronoun “sich” belongs to “mein Vater” (my father i.e. he).

Mark on the reflexive pronoun in each sentence in following examples:

Sie schminkt sich. – She puts on makeup.

Wir putzen uns die Zähne. – We brush our teeth.

Ihr zieht euch an. – You get dressed.

Sie waschen sich. – They wash themselves.

Er rasiert sich. – He shaves.

Wir schminken uns. – We put makeup on.

Ich muss mich beeilen! – I have to hurry!

Ich beeile mich. – I’ll be quick.

Sie beeilen sich. – They hurry.

The reflexive pronoun changes to match the subject: “sie beeilen sich“.

sich erholen: to relax/to recover

Meine Freundin erholt sich in der Badewanne. – My friend relaxes in the bathtub.

Ihr erholt euch. – You relax. Reflexive pronouns go right after the conjugated verb.

Du schminkst dich. – You put on makeup.

Wir duschen uns. – We’re having a shower.

Wir erholen uns. – We relax.

Understanding Reflexive Pronouns

The reflexive pronoun we use depends on the person doing the action.

Ich wasche mich. – I wash (myself).

The reflexive pronoun “mich” refers back to the subject “ich” who is doing the action of washing (himself/herself).

Du wäschst dich. – You wash (yourself).
Er wäscht sich. – He washes (himself).

Here’s a tip!

What we need to remember:

Reflexive verbs describe actions one does to oneself.
Reflexive verbs use reflexive pronouns.
Reflexive pronouns correspond with the person doing the action.
Reflexive pronouns go right after the conjugated verb.

Ich mache Frühstück. – This sentence lacks a reflexive pronoun, containing only the personal pronoun “ich“.

More Examples;

Als erstes dusche ich, und dann schminke ich mich. – First, I shower and then I put on makeup.

More Reflexive verbs in Accusative

Gute Arbeit! (Great job!) So, Now you can Reflexive Pronouns in Accusative Case.

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