Learn Swedish A: Professions & Vocabulary Lesson 12. If you are an adult learning Swedish with no previous knowledge and learning the language on your own. Than this a course for you. While, You will find this course very well suited for your purposes.
The language introduced in this course centered around realistic everyday situations. If you want to monitor your own progress, you can contact us by clicking Here. Or just write us email.
These words and phrases will help you when talking about yourself and others, or when you’re planning to apply for a new job in Sweden.
Learn Swedish A: Countries & Languages Lesson 10
So, Let’s start the lesson!
Vocabulary about Professions & Job
This is general vocabulary about work.
English | Swedish |
profession | yrke |
professions | yrken |
unemployed | arbetslös |
colleague | kollega |
colleagues | kollegor |
pensioner | pensionär |
pensioners | pensionärer |
employee | anställd arbetare |
employees | anställda arbetare |
If you want to find work, than vocabulary mentioned in this table is useful for you.
English | Swedish |
experience | erfarenhet |
CV | CV |
education | utbildning |
job interview | arbetsintervju |
(to) earn | (att) tjäna |
salary | lön |
office | kontor |
offices | kontor |
workplace | arbetsplats |
work | arbete |
to work | (att) arbeta |
factory | fabrik |
Vocabulary about different professions in Swedish.
English | Swedish |
nurse | sjuksköterska |
doctor | doktor |
clerk | tjänsteman |
director | direktör |
manager | föreståndare |
secretary | sekreterare |
driver | chaufför |
farmer | bonde |
baker | bagare |
salesman | försäljare |
cook | kock |
policeman | polis |
More Vocabulary about different professions in Swedish.
English | Swedish |
teacher | lärare |
shoemaker | skomakare |
watchmaker | urmakare |
firefighter | brandman |
bus driver | busschaufför |
taxi driver | taxichaufför |
waitor | servitör |
lawyer | advocat |
judge | domare |
politician | politiker |
pharmacist | apotekare |
musician | musiker |
More Vocabulary about different professions in Swedish.
English | Swedish |
hairdresser | frisör |
fisherman | fiskare |
engineer | ingenjör |
cashier | kassör |
architect | arkitekt |
accountant | revisor |
dentist | tandläkare |
journalist | journalist |
labourer | arbetare |
librarian | bibliotekarie |
photographer | fotograf |
pilot | pilot |
Learn Swedish A: Time Expressions (Vad är Klockan) Lesson 8
Phrases about Professions
There are three basic ways to ask question about someone’s profession. We have given numbers to these questions in following phrases.
1): Vad jobbar du med? (What do you do?)
2): Vad är din sysselsättning? (What is your occupation?)
3): Vad arbetar du med? (What are you working with?)
Jag jobbar med IT. (I work with IT.)
Jag är en Fotograf. (I am a photographer.)
Jag jobbar med försäljning. (I work with sales.)
If you want to ask more specifically about someone’s job. Than you can ask following question:
Vad jobbar du som? (What do you work as?)
While, you can answer in two ways for up mentioned question,as given below.
Jag är en Pilot. (I am a pilot.) or Jag jobbar som Pilot. (I work as a pilot.)
More Examples:
Du är en Läkare. (You are a doctor.)
John är en Journalist. (John is a journalist.)
Han är en Bibliotekarie. (He is a librarian.)
Hon är en tandläkare. (She is a dentist.)
Vi är brandmän. (We are firefighters.)
Another way to ask about someone profession is:
Vad är ditt yrke? (What is your profession?)
Mitt yrke är lärare. (I am a teacher by profession.)
Mitt yrke är sjuksköterska. (I am a nurse by profession.)
Mitt yrke är ingenjör. (I am a engineer by profession.)
Basic Phrases at work place
Learn vital phrases for the Swedish workplace
Vad är ditt problem? (What is your problem?)
Jag har inget jobb. (I don’t have a job.)
Det här är väldigt viktigt. (This is very important.)
Jag jobbar inte. Jag studerar. (I do not work. I study.)
Jag hatar mitt jobb. (I hate my job.)
Kan jag hjälpa dig? (Can I help you?)
“Hej! Jag är ny här. Har du jobbat här länge?” (“Hi, I’m new. Have you worked here for long?”)
Mitt internet har kraschat, funkar det fortfarande för dig? (I’ve lost internet! Are you still connected?)
Min dator är jätteslö, jag tror att den har ett virus. (My computer is really slow, I think it’s got a virus.)
Kan du skicka ett mejl till mig? (Could you send me an email?)
“Vad händer?” (“What’s up?”) or the more casual “Läget?” (How goes?” but literally “The situation?”)
When it’s your turn to respond, stick to a hearty “Bra” (good) or even a “Bra bra” (good good), even if you’ve just had an epic fight with your mother-in-law about cleaning products or you lost a few million at the gambling tables over the weekend.
You may not want to engage in retro slang if you still have a thick accent, but Swedes say hi in a variety of ways, including:
Tja! Tjena! Tjenare! Hallå där! Hej hej!
Learn Swedish A: Travel vocabulary & Getting Directions Lesson 9
Grattis! (Congratulations!). So, Now you’re ready to ask anyone about their professions or even can handle basic phrases at your work place in Swedish.
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