Learn Swedish A1: Satsadverbial (Frequency Adverbs) Lesson 19. In Swedish, Satsadverbial are those little words or phrases that get thrown into a sentence to They’re those little things that get thrown into a sentence to modify the sentence. They usually describe time, or place, or even the way something is being done.
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These are following Satsadverbial, that you can learn and use in this lesson.
- alltid
- aldrig
- sällen
- ibland
- ofta
Let’s understand their meanings and usage in the sentence.
Table of Contents
Placement of adverbs
You can place the adverbs after the first verb in independent clauses with straight word order.
Ali dricker alltid vatten. – Ali always drinks water.
Mari dricker ofta vin. – Mari often drinks wine.
Bill dricker aldrig vin. – Bill never drinks wine.
David dricker sallen vin. – David rarely drinks wine.
Here we have twist for the final adverb’s place in a sentence.
You can write ”ibland” at the end of the sentence, as mentioned in this example in a straight sentence:
David dricker vin ibland. – David drinks wine sometimes.
While following example mentions the reverse word order for a sentence, where we can write ” ibland ” at the start of the sentence.
Ibland dricker david vin. – Sometimes david drinks wine.
Questions with adverbs
Here you can check word for adverbs in a question.
Talar Karin alltid Svenska? – Does Karin always speak Swedish?
Dricker Mari sallen mjölk? – Does Mari rarely drink milk?
Talar Ali aldrig långsamt? – Does Ali never speak slowly?
Dricker David ofta vin? – Does David often drink wine?
It means always.
Examples with straight word order:
Jag studerar alltid svenska på måndagar. – I always study Swedish on Mondays.
David röker alltid pipa. – David always smokes a pipe.
Karin dricker alltid mjölk. – Karin always drinks milk.
Examples with reverse word order:
In reverse word we can start a sentence with non subject words. In this situation, verb should remain at the second position, therefore we write adverb after the subject.
På tisdagar studerar jag alltid engelska. On Tuesdays, I always study English.
It means never.
Examples with straight word order:
Karin dricker aldrig mjölk. – Karin never drinks milk.
David röker aldrig pipa. – David never smokes a pipe.
Mari reser aldrig med båt. – Mari never travels with the boat.
Examples with reverse word order:
In reverse word we can start a sentence with non subject words. In this situation, verb should remain at the second position, therefore we write adverb after the subject.
På tisdagar studerar jag aldrig engelska. On Tuesdays, I never study English.
It means rarely.
Examples with straight word order:
Mari bor sällen i Stockholm. – Mari rarely lives in Stockholm.
Jag äter sällan. – I eat rarely.
Examples with reverse word order:
In reverse word we can start a sentence with non subject words. In this situation, verb should remain at the second position, therefore we write adverb after the subject.
På kvällarna läser jag sällen en spännande bok. – I rarely read an exciting book
It means sometime.
You can write ”ibland” at the end of the sentence, as mentioned in these examples in a straight sentence:
Jag dricker mjölk ibland. – I drink milk sometimes.
Han talar med mig ibland. – He speaks with me sometimes.
Vi röker ibland. – We smoke sometimes.
While following examples mention the reverse word order for a sentence, where we can write ” ibland ” at the start of the sentence.
Ibland röker vi. – Sometimes we smoke.
Other Examples:
Ibland läser han. -Sometimes he reads.
Ibland sover hon. – Sometimes she sleeps.
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It means often.
Examples with straight word order:
Vi läser ofta en bok. – We often read a book.
Jag röker ofta pipa. – I often smoke a pipe.
Hon dricker ofta vin. – She often drinks wine.
Vi köper ofta fotboll. – We often buy football.
Examples with reverse word order:
In reverse word we can start a sentence with non subject words. In this situation, verb should remain at the second position, therefore we write adverb after the subject.
På biblioteket studerar jag ofta svenska. – I often study Swedish in the library.
Grattis! (Congratulations!) So, You’re now prepared to tackle Frequency adverbs & their basic sentence structure in Swedish language.
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