University Scholarships

Uppsala University Global Scholarship, Sweden

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Uppsala University Global Scholarship, Sweden. So, to Study in Sweden Scholarships are available by universities, cover only Tuition Fee. While, Applicant needs to apply on university website to get Scholarships for studies.

Scholarships at Uppsala University

There are a number of scholarships available each year for fee-paying international students who are applying to an international Bachelor’s or Master’s programme at Uppsala University.

Some scholarships are specifically designated for students who are applying to one of Uppsala University’s Master’s programmes, while others are open to both Master’s and Bachelor’s applicants.

The scholarships available for application may vary from year to year.

You may apply to more than one scholarship, as long as you fulfil the eligibility criteria. However, it is only possible to receive one scholarship from Uppsala University.

The scholarships are only for on-campus programmes based in Uppsala or on Gotland, and for programmes mainly taught at Uppsala University. You can only be awarded a scholarship for programmes that you apply via

10 Universities in Sweden for International students

Global Scholarship Programme

Global Scholarship Programme is available for all international students. Scholarship can be applied for master’s degree courses at Uppsala University, Sweden.

What it Covers?

The scholarships will cover the full cost of tuition fees for studies at Uppsala University. It is for Master’s programmes. The scholarships do not cover living expenses.

What is Eligibility criteria?

You are an international student from Non-EU background.

While, You must demonstrate academic talent and show interest in being in an educational environment.

You can only be awarded an Uppsala University Global Scholarship for a Master’s programme at Uppsala University chosen as first priority (the programme which you have ranked the highest of the four programmes you can choose at University Admissions).

Meanwhile, You must have applied for the Master’s programme before the University Admissions deadline.

You must meet the entry requirements for the Master’s programme you applied for. The application fee and your complete supporting documents must be received by University Admissions before the deadline.

What is Application Process?

In order to be considered for a scholarship, you must first submit an application for a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme at Uppsala University on between 18 October and 17 January each year.

Application Process for all Swedish Universities is same. Just click on the following link.

How to Apply to a University in SWEDEN?

The Swedish Institute (SI), a Swedish governmental agency, offers fully-funded scholarships each year for international students from a selection of countries coming to Sweden to study at the Master’s level. Check more information about  Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarship.

Finally, You can approach Consult Studies Abroad for Guidance about scholarships, University admissions, and much more useful information. Because We prepare a strong Scholarship Application by emphasizing Personal statements and Motivation letters. Meanwhile, We Prepare Scholarship Applications for all countries.

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