Learn Swedish A: Travel vocabulary & Getting Directions Lesson 9

Learn Swedish A: Travel vocabulary & Getting Directions Lesson 9

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Learn Swedish A: Travel vocabulary & Getting Directions Lesson 9. Asking for directions is an essential skill when traveling or moving to a new place. In this lesson, you will learn how to ask for directions in Swedish and understand the answers.

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Questions to ask directions

Fråga efter vägbeskrivning: ask for directions.

Here are some common phrases you can use to ask for directions in Swedish:

Var ligger…? (Where is…?)

Hur kommer jag till…? (How do I get to…?)

Har du sett…? (Have you seen…?)

Vet du var…är? (Do you know where…is?)

Some examples of how to use these phrases:

Var ligger biblioteket? (Where is located the library?)

Hur kommer jag till busshållplatsen? (How do I get to the bus stop?)

Har du sett vårdcentral? (Have you seen a health center?)

Vet du var ligger centralstationen? (Do you know where the central station is?)

Vet du var sjukhuset är? (Do you know where the hospital is?)

Kan du visa mig? (Can you show me?)

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Getting directions

Here we have mentioned basic phrases, someone can use to give directions. For examples, if you are lost in a new town, than you can ask for help. Someone might use the following phrases to give you directions.

Gå över : Go over / cross

Ta till höger: Take a right

Ta till vänster: Take a left

Gå rakt fram : Go straight ahead

Sväng: Take a turn

Some examples of how to use these phrases:

Gå över andra våningen i köpcentret. (Go over the second floor of the shopping mall.)

Ta första gatan till höger efter Skolan. (Take the first street on the right after the School.)

Ta andra gatan till vänster efter mobilmarknaden. (Take the second street on the left after the mobile market.)

Gå rakt fram tills du ser biblioteket. (Go straight ahead until you see the library.)

Sväng vänster/höger vid sjukhuset. (Turn left/right at the hospital.)

Ursäkta mig, kan du hjälpa mig? (Excuse me, can you help me?)

Ursäkta mig, Vi behöver en tolk. (Excuse me, We need a translater.)

Asking for Clarification

If you don’t understand the directions or need further clarification, you can use these phrases:

Jag förstår inte, kan du snälla repetera? (Jag förstår inte. can you repeat please?)

Jag förstår inte, vad menar du? (I do not understand what do you mean?)

Kan du upprepa det, tack? (Can you repeat that, please?)

Kan du visa mig på kartan? (Can you show me on the map?)

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Travel Vocabulary in Swedish

PendeltågCommuter train
Långt bortaFar away
framförIn front off
TrafikljusTraffic lights
turistbusstour bus

Grattis! (Congratulations!). So, Now you’re ready to ask for directions in Swedish to anyone. Good luck!

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