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Learn German A1: Using Adverbs in German Lesson 33

Learn German A1: Developing Fluency (15 Points) Lesson 27

Learn German A1: Developing Fluency (15 Points) Lesson 27

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Learn German A1: Using Adverbs in German Lesson 32. The Language introduced in this free course is centered around realistic everyday situations. While, the emphasis is first and foremost on using German, but we also aim to give you an idea of how the language works, so that you can create sentences your own.

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Intensifiers are adverbs that strengthen the meaning of other expressions and show emphasis. Words that we use in this lesson are as follows:

Overview of Adverbs

Ein bisschen => relativ => sehr => extrem: (a little, relatively, very, extremely)

While, the order of the words is from least to most intense, such as:

ein bisschen” (least intense) => “relativ“=> “sehr” => “extrem” (most intense).

The Sentence structure is as follows, when we use intensifiers or adverbs:

Subject (Mein Cousin) – verb (ist) – intensifier (sehr) – adjective (nervig)

1): ein bisschen: a little

bisschen consists of: der “Biss” (the bite) + -chen (ending denoting smallness)

Mein Vater ist ein bisschen unsympathisch. (My father is a little unlikeable.)

Meine Cousine ist ein bisschen blöd! (My cousin is a bit stupid.)

Mein Onkel ist ein bisschen langweilig. (My uncle is a bit boring.)

2): relativ: relatively

The “v” in “relativ” (relative) is pronounced like an “f“.

Meine Tante ist relativ arrogant. (My aunt is relatively arrogant.)

Meine Großeltern sind relativ nett. (My grandparents are relatively nice.)

Mein Onkel ist relativ sympathisch. (My uncle is relatively likeble.)

Mein Bruder ist relativ sympathisch, aber ein bisschen langweilig. (My brother is relatively likeble but a bit boring.)

3): sehr: very

Mein Bruder ist sehr sympathisch. (My brother is very likeable.)

It is possible to say “super” instead of “sehr”, but it’s informal.

Meine Tochter ist sehr freundlich. (My daughter is very friendly.)

Mein Cousin ist sehr nervig. (My cousin is very irritating.)

4): extrem: extremely

Ali und sein Bruder sind extrem emotional! (Ali and his brother are extremely emotional!)

5): Extrem vs Sehr:

Meine Schwester ist extrem lustig und sehr nett. (My sister is extremely funny and very nice.)

Extrem” is used frequently in spoken German (it’s great for adding extra detail). It is one level higher than “sehr” (very).

Mari ist extrem nervig!
(Mari is extremely irritating.)
Mari ist sehr nervig.
(Mari is very irritating.)

Learn German A1: hunger & thurst & useful questions Lesson 7

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