Learn German A1: Intro to German Cases (Nominative case)

Learn German A1: Formal German Lesson 36

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Learn German A1: Formal German Lesson 36. For students or professionals, who want to settle in Germany, Austria or other EU Countries, knowing the German language is a prerequisite.

German vs English: Differences & Similarities

How can we communicate formally in German language?

Let’s Find out.

What is your name? (formal)

Wie heißen Sie? – What is your name? (formal)

Wie heißen Sie?” is used when speaking to someone older or in a business context.

“Wie heißen Sie?” is more formal and polite than “Wie heißt du?”.

du” is considered familiar and informal, and “Sie” is formal and polite.

Use “du” for close friends, family and people you know well. Use “Sie” with adults you don’t know, or at work.

Guten Tag, ich heiße Kalle. Und Sie? – Hello, my name is Kalle. And you?

In a business environment, it is always better to start with the polite “Sie“.

Where are you from? (formal)

Woher kommen Sie? – Where are you from? (formal)

The formal “Sie” is used to address strangers and people older than you, and in the workplace.

To be on the safe side, begin with the formal “Sie” form of address, as a sign of respect, before transitioning to the informal “du” form.

Where do you live? (formal)

Wo wohnen Sie? – Where do you live? (formal)

It is better to be too formal than too familiar. When in doubt, use “Sie“.

In a work environment, we use the formal “Sie”.

The verb ending for the formal “Sie” is almost always regular: –en.

What do you do? (formal)

Was sind Sie von Beruf? – What do you do?

Was bist du von Beruf? – What do you do? (informal)

What languages do you speak? (formal)

Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie? – What languages do you speak? (formal)

What do you study? (formal)

Was studieren Sie? – What do you study?

How to use formal “Sie”?

Sie(formal) takes the same verb form as “sie” (they). So how do we tell them apart?

In fact, in speech they sound the same. We can only tell them apart in writing – “Sie(formal) is always spelt with a capital!

Woher kommt sie? – Where is she from?

Woher kommen sie? – Where are they from?

Woher kommen Sie? – Where are you from? (formal)

“Sie/sie kommen” can mean “they come” or “you (formal) come”.

The (formal)Sie” is always spelt with a capital S!

We use the formal “Sie” for one person and for multiple people.

Fr. Cam, was sind Sie von Beruf? – Ms Cam, what do you do? singular, formal

Hr. und Fr. Cam, was sind Sie von Beruf? – Mr and Ms Cam, what do you do? plural, formal

Learn German A1: Ask for directions Lesson 25

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