Learn Swedish A2: Vocabulary regarding time in Swedish Lesson 1. To speak any language, we need to focus on basic grammar and most importantly on vocabulary. If you know enough vocabulary of any language, you can communicate easily. Therefore, we have mentioned here all vocabulary words regarding time in Swedish.
In the following link, you can learn how to tell time in Swedish:
Learn Swedish A: Time Expressions (Vad är Klockan) Lesson 8
While, we learn all vocabulary for Swedish A2 now. Let’s start:
Table of Contents
Basic Time
tid (time) & klockan (clock, o’clock)
- “Vad är klockan?” – What time is it?
- “Klockan är tre.” – It’s three o’clock.
Telling Time
- över (past) – Klockan är tio över tre. (It’s ten past three.)
- i (to, till) – Klockan är tio i tre. (It’s ten to three.)
- halv (half) – Klockan är halv tre. (It’s half past two.)
- kvart (quarter) – Klockan är kvart i tre. (It’s quarter to three.)
- kvart över (quarter past) – Klockan är kvart över tre. (It’s quarter past three.)
Time Periods
- morgon (morning)
- förmiddag (forenoon)
- eftermiddag (afternoon)
- kväll (evening)
- natt (night)
- dag (day)
- natt (night)
- vecka (week)
- månad (month)
- år (year)
- sekund (second)
- minut (minute)
- timme (hour)
Time Adverbs
- idag (today)
- igår (yesterday)
- imorgon (tomorrow)
- nu (now)
- senare (later)
- tidigare (earlier)
- fortfarande (still)
- alltid (always)
- aldrig (never)
- ofta (often)
- ibland (sometimes)
- sällan (seldom)
100 Common Questions in Swedish & How to Answer Them?
- på morgonen (in the morning)
- på eftermiddagen (in the afternoon)
- på kvällen (in the evening)
- på natten (at night)
- hela dagen (all day)
- hela natten (all night)
- i tid (on time)
- försenad (late)
- tidig (early)
This list provides a good foundation for telling time in Swedish. Remember to practice using these words and phrases in context to improve your fluency.
Meanwhile, If You want to learn Swedish or do you have an inquiry about grammar, just click Here. While, You can also write your inquiries for one o one online classes on Whatsapp +92332-4888544 or email at Bashirfarrukh989@gmail.com.
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