Learn German A1: Pronunciation & Adjectives Lesson 13

Learn German A1: Grocery shopping Lesson 37

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Learn German A1: Grocery shopping Lesson 37. The German Language introduced in this free course by ask-scholars.com is centered around everyday situations. So, If you are an adult with no previous knowledge of German and studying your own, than this course is for you.

Sunday’s close

Most shops in Germany are closed on Sundays due to the “Ladenschlussgesetz” (store-closing law).

Some are allowed to open, like the “Spätkauf“, literally: “late purchase”. These shops initially catered for workers returning from late shifts, later becoming popular throughout Germany with similar shops called “Kiosk“, “Trinkhalle” or “Büdchen“.

der Spätkauf (short form “Späti”). literally: late purchase

der Kiosk: throughout Germany

die Trinkhalle. literally: drinking hall

das Büdchen. literally: small stall

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You can buy everything you need in a “Supermarkt“.

However, Germans love their many types of bread and meat products, and often prefer to buy bread at a “Bäckerei” and meat at a “Metzgerei / Fleischerei” to guarantee freshness and quality.

der Supermarktthe supermarket

die Bäckerei – the bakery

die Metzgereithe butcher’s

Going for shopping

Ich muss einkaufen gehen. – I have to go and buy some food.

Use “einkaufen gehen” to show you’re about to go or on your way to go shopping for food.

Ask about store / shop etc

Ist hier ein Supermarkt in der Nähe? – Is there a supermarket nearby?

Ist hier…?” starts a question about the existence of something in a particular location.

You can replace “ein Supermarkt” with other places:

Ist hier ein Restaurant / eine Bar in der Nähe? – Is there a resturant / a bar nearby?

Ist hier eine Bäckerei in der Nähe? – Is there a bakery nearby?

Ist hier eine Fleischerei in der Nähe? – Is there a butcher’s nearby?

Ask for help from management

Entschuldigung, können Sie mir helfen? – Excuse me, could you help me?

Entschuldigung, wo finde ich den Kaffee? – Excuse me, where can I find the coffee?

Wo finde ich das Brot? – Where can I find bread?

Wo finde ich Obst und Gemüse? – Where can I find fruit and vegetables?

Entschuldigung, wo finde ich die Milchprodukte? – Excuse me, where can I find the dairy products?

Entschuldigung, wo finde ich die Butter? – Excuse me, where can I find the butter?

Wo finde ich…” is a common way to start a question when looking for items.

Haben Sie Milch? – Do you have milk?

That means….

Following Both can be used to ask where something is in a supermarket:

  • Haben Sie……..?
  • Wo finde ich ……..?

Was ist das? – What is that?

We’ve learned that “das” is a neuter article, meaning “the“. However, “das” also means “that“, and we can use it for all genders.

Ask about price

Wie viel kostet das? – How much does that cost?

Wie viel kostet das da? – How much is that there?

Das da? Das kostet drei Euro. – That there? That costs three euro.

Wie viel kostet das hier? – How much is this here?

Wie viel kostet eine Packung Nudeln? – How much is a packet of pasta?

Food Items

Ich brauche…” comes from “brauchen“, a regular verb meaning “to need“.

Ich brauche Kaffee. – I need coffee.

Wir brauchen Fleisch. – We need some meat.

Ich brauche Obst. – I need fruit.

Wir brauchen Obst und Gemüse. – We need fruit and vegetables.

Ich brauche Brot, Obst und Milchprodukte. – I need bread, fruit and dairy products.

Learn German A1: Possessive Adjectives Lesson 14

Names of Groceries

Wir brauchen Milch. – We need milk.

Brauchen wir Butter? – Do we need butter?

Ich brauche Wurst. – I need sliced meat.

Du brauchst die Eier. – You need the eggs.

Er braucht die Nudeln. – He needs the pizza.

Sie braucht der Käse. – She needs the cheeze.

Food Quantities and Units

das Kilo: the kilo. “das Kilo” is short for “das Kilogramm“.

Ein Kilo Orangen, bitte. – One kilo of oranges, please.

Ich brauche ein Kilo Fleisch. – I need one kilo meat.

das Gramm: the gram

Ich hätte gern 100 Gramm Käse. – I’d like 100 grams of cheese.

Er braucht 50 Gramm Butter. – He needs 50 grams of butter.

Ich hätte gern eine Flasche Cola. – I’d like a bottle of cola.

Sie brauchen eine Dose Cola und eine Dose Thunfisch. – They need a can of cola and a tin of tuna.

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