What is Total Cost to Study in Norway for Free?

What is Total Cost to Study in Norway for Free? We have mentioned here approximate cost for Student Visa in Norway. Meanwhile, It does not mean this is an exact cost to Study in Norway for Free. Because, It can vary according to different circumstances. Therefore, The total cost depends upon University selection, course selection, which city you live and what you eat on daily basis. Norway is a small country with big resources. It offers Free Education to international students. While, Several degree programmes and courses are taught in English. Which covers almost all faculties of education. Norway is … Continue reading What is Total Cost to Study in Norway for Free?

Study in Canada for International Students: Step by Step Guide 2021

How can I get into a Canadian university for a Master’s with a low percentage of undergraduate degree?

How can I get into a Canadian university for a Master’s with a low percentage of undergraduate degree? You want to Study in Canada for your Master’s degree but seems tough at the moment with a low percentage. Let’s find … Continue reading How can I get into a Canadian university for a Master’s with a low percentage of undergraduate degree?

How to apply to a University in Italy?

How to apply to a University in Italy? There is a total of 96 universities to Study in Italy for International Students. Of which 67 are public universities and 29 are private universities. The University of Bologna is a place, where the current education system followed by the European Union was originated. Bologna process is implemented by universities in Italy. If you want to experience the exciting journey to Study in Italy, this article is for you. While, It explains all the important details to get Admission to an Italian University. Top 25 Universities in Italy for International Students Application … Continue reading How to apply to a University in Italy?